Monday, May 30, 2011
Ethiopian Deputy Prime Minister Haile Mariam Dessalgne
“We still stand on our own regarding the construction of the Renaissance Dam” Ethiopian Deputy Prime Minister Haile Mariam Dessalgne
A water engineer by profession and former Arbaminch University president, through the years, he served in various positions in this party and the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Regional State before assuming the second most powerful position in the Ethiopian Peoples Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF). In the backdrop of the recent wave of hydro-power project conceived on the single most contentious river in the region, the Nile, and the commencement of the new national council heading the dam project, he briefed the local press on the matter. Excerpts.
Q: Since the announcements of the Renaissance Dam, people all over the country are giving money, buying bonds to contribute towards the 80 billion birr construction cost. Among these are public servants in various government institutions who are sacrificing their one-month salary for the cause. However, some of the meetings where such decisions are passed seem to be driven as per the voice of the participants present, while monthly income is supposed to be a private matter left only to individuals. What is your take on this issue?
A: To begin with, when the construction of the dam was announced we did not expect such a popular wave of movement from the people. However, it does not mean that all have the same set of mind on the matter. Hence, from the get-go that is why we try to take an all-round approach where everyone participates on individual terms and willingness. As observed in the government institutions, the public sector employees decided and are deciding to donate their one-month salary to the construction of the dam. This does not mean that just because the majority of the employees decided to do so, each and every one of the employees have to abide by it. After the collective meetings where these decisions are taken, there is another step where each signs to give the money. The final say rests on the individual and there is no way that collective decisions can decide on personal property and rights. This is not something that is designed for this dam contribution matter. In fact it has been in the law that governs these government institutions all along. It is obvious that everyone cannot be present at these collective meetings, nor is it the case that everybody will have the chance to speak at these meetings and reflect their true feeling for various reasons. Yet, when such decision enter into force it is the individual employees who gets to the make the choice on their personal earnings. The concern by itself should not be there as the basic right of employees to decide on personal earnings is embedded in rules and principles that these institution work under.
That being said, it will be naïve to assume that there will be no glitches in a mass movement of this scale. Partly this is the reason why we have to set up a national committee to oversee the whole process. Wastage of resources meant for the dam is one problem that we (the council) are looking into. The public servant support and movement is just one part of the coin in the nationwide, all-sector wave in the nation. At times like this there could be some who want to benefit by exploiting the whole situation and this is where the guidance of the council is required. Had it been easier to coordinate the construction and movement of the people by whatever government framework at the ground, the council would not have been need in the first place.
Q: But you do think that is how it is done on the ground? Do you think the employees are not forced by meetings and mass sentiments into giving away their one-month salary?
A: As I have said earlier this not a new system that we have put in place just for the purpose of fund-raising for the Renaissance Dam construction. It has been there in the rules and regulation and these institutions have been working with it for a number of years. Even in the case of disciplinary penalty on employees, it is not up to another party to decide on the income of the worker without the worker’s consent. As far as the dam construction is concerned, the government wants every contribution and participation extended to the dam in full willingness and solidarity to the cause. Hence, partly the responsibility of the council will be to ensure the democratization of the whole process and cater for this nationwide movement that public servants fall as one part.
Q: What can you tell us about the compositions of the council?
A: As to the composition we have tried to incorporate as much as possible a wide range of the society in the country. Opposition political party members, who happen to be in the joint party council, athletes like Haile Gebresilassie, Derartu Tulu. Meseret Defar, Kenenisa Bekele are included in the council. On the other hand, renowned scholars, religious institution leaders, artists and businessmen, federal and regional government bodies are also in the new council. All in all the council is made up of some 75 people and the list would be made public shortly. Since it is directly accountable to the prime minister himself, the deputy prime minister will be its president and the head of the Office of Government Communication Affairs would also serve as the secretary of the council. Essentially the project is a government project with a slight twist which is the fact that it involves a lot of mass participation; hence it falls under the government body but as much as possible minimum presentation of the latter in the council itself.
Q: What are the criteria that the 75 people had to meet in order to be part of the council?
A: There is no list of criteria or quality that the membership of the council has depended on. The one and only criterion is just incorporating every part of the society in the county. We set out to pool all groups in the nation. It has government representation, civil society, religious institutions, artists (there are six artists associations and all are represented), scholars, political parties, professional associations (around 13 of them are in there). In case of some of the association where there is wide membership we tried to take more than one representative. On the other hand, it does not mean that the membership of the council has been completed; still if there are some not represented we can still take them in as the main goal is to be inclusive of the whole society.
Q: When it comes to overseeing the fund, is the council empowered over the finance raised from bond sales and other sources?
A: The council looks after all sort of financial resources collected in the name of the dam. There are sub-committees entrusted with controlling the bond sales revenue, there is another for diaspora affairs and still one for public mobilization and event management. There should not be any event in the name of the Renaissance Dam without the knowledge of the council. Not even a single dime should be solicited without the council’s knowledge. There is also another sub-committee that follows up on the progress of the construction of the dam and also will be informing the public about it. The progress of the dam and the amount of resources spent will also be accounted for periodically.
Q: In terms of finance, are there any hopeful pledges made outside of the country? What about Ethiopians in the diaspora or foreign aid agencies?
A: So far, the government’s conviction is to bear the cost of the dam from local sources and to that there is no change. The whole point is to leave some of our relics to postrity. It is something of the Ethiopian people and the government. However, there is no objection if there is some foreign national wanting to contribute to the construction of the dam. As far as finances go, we will not request assistance from foreign sources. That being said, when it comes to the Ethiopians in the diaspora, we believe they are Ethiopians and they can participate as any citizen in the construction of the dam. In some places they have formed committees to achieve this end and they are working with our councilor offices in there.
Q: Now that Egypt is softening in its stance on the idea of a dam on the Nile River, some are saying that since a dam is advantageous for the downstream countries, there could be some financing possibilities. Given Ethiopia’s stand on financing the dam, are you going to entertain such offers should there be any?
A: When it comes to decision about the financial sources the government is one on the driving seat. This is a matter of diplomacy and foreign relation. However, as I have said earlier, so far there is no change on our stand to build it with our own resources. Yet again if it safeguards national interest we will not hesitate to accept it. So, it is a matter of national interest and we will have cross that bridge when we get there. In my view the most advantageous is countries at that level of commitment for common cooperation. Sudan and Egypt, if willing to participate at that level, will be more advantageous not for the money but for something more than that, anyhow, it will be decided when it actually happens.
Q: Apart from the decision to complete the dam with our own resources and not to ask for foreign financial assistance, what are the prospects for loans?
A: After we have taken the decision to do it by ourselves, we have not gone for any financing schemes apart from our own. And before, we do know that thanks to relentless campaigns it was all blocked. However, after we have taken bold moves to do it, we have not checked so and do not know if there is any change there. In my view it is naïve to expect to change this soon and what we should focus on is just to work hard in that direction.
Q: President Esayas Afowerki of Eritrea has spoken on the matter recently. He said Ethiopia has the right to use the water; did that surprise you at all?
A: We have been listening to the president for years. If it is not altered in a matters of weeks maybe it might be possible to comment on the substance. So, it would be better to be asked after a week.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Prime Minister Meles attends G8 summit in France
Addis Ababa,(Ethiopia)5-28-11 Ethiopian Prime Minister,Meles Zenawi leaves Thursday for France to attend the G8 summit as one of invited African leaders. The G8 summit in France is also expected to discuss issues related to the current political crisis in the Arab world, including the situation in Libya and other countries.It is reported that nuclear safety and climate change as well as green growth and innovation are among the top items on the agenda of the summit. Prime Minister Meles is currently serving as a spokesperson for Africa on climate change and environmental issues. He was re-elected last January to represent Africa on the world negotiation on climate change and its impact in Africa.Meles is expected to hold talks with the leaders at the summit where he will discuss issues related to climate change and other political affairs. According to available information, created at the initiative of France in 1975 to address the first oil crisis, the G8 is an informal group of advanced economies, which meets once a year at a summit of heads of state and government. It has a role of guidance and political impetus. G8 members are Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union. Composed of six members at its creation in 1975, and seven with Canada in 1976, the group became the G8 with the inclusion of Russia in 1998. The European Union has been associated since 1977. G8 members represent 15 percent of world's population, 65 percent of GDP, and two thirds of international trade.
Ethiopian joyfully celebrate Ginbot 20 at Mesqel Sq
Addis Ababa, May 28, 2011 – Close to one million Addis Ababa city residents from all parts of the city gathered at Mesqel Square today and colorfully celebrated the twentieth anniversary of Ginbot 20 (May 28).Residents from all ages and sections of the society began marching to the iconic square early in the morning from all 10 sub cities of the Addis Ababa City Administration. Chanting and dancing, the mass expressed support for the construction of the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam and vowed to eradicate poverty from Ethiopia.
“I never felt happier than the day when the Derg regime was removed from power and the day I heard the news of the construction of the Renaissance Dam on Abay [River],” said the 82 year old Mekonnen Zegeye, member of Ethiopian Patriots Association.
While the organizers wait for the guest of honors to arrive, the crowed were kept entertained with songs of nations, nationalities and peoples of Ethiopia and songs written on the river Nile.
A helicopter from the Ministry of Defense (MoD), hovering over the joyful crowed, sent its congratulatory messages on the twentieth anniversary of the downfall of the Derg regime and the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam on flying leaflets.
Just before the day’s program was officially opened, the crowed was joined by guest of honor of the day, Prime Minister Meles Zenawi and First Lady Azeb Mesfin. They received a warm welcome from the cheering crowed which filled the square.
“We are determined to finalize the great renaissance dam ahead of schedule with the minimum possible cost,” Meles said in his address, receiving a roar of applause from the overjoyed crowed.
High ranking officials, including Kuma Demeksa, Mayor of Addis Ababa city, Abadula Gemeda and Kassa Tekleberhan, speakers of House of Peoples Representatives and House of Federation, respectively and diplomats were also in attendance.
Addressing the crowed ahead of the Prime Minister, Mayor Kuma said that Ginbot 20 is a day in which the basis for democracy, peace and unity was laid in Ethiopia.
“Ethiopians were deprived of their human and democratic rights during the previous regimes,” Kuma said.
Religious institutions also took the opportunity to commemorate the day in which they said religious freedom was guaranteed in the constitution.
“In the previous regime religious freedom was unthinkable,” Hussien kemal, a Muslim participant, told WIC. “Thanks to Ginbot 20, I am freely exercising my religious freedom”.
A number of deacons, priests and religious followers from the orthodox Christian churches in the city were also seen celebrating the day. One of them, Yakob Woldehawaria, said: “There is religious tolerance in our country and this is without doubt one fruit of Ginbot 20”.
Another participant, Alemayehu Tafesse (Cpt.), who works in the Defense Logistics Department at the MoD, said the day is a day in which Ethiopia began to build its name for democracy, peace and stability, political recognition as well as rapid economic growth. This was a sentiment shared by many of the participants WIC talked to.
The square was filled with different kinds of scenes. People dressed in various traditional clothes, some waving the national flag and flags of the different nations, nationalities and peoples of Ethiopia. Costumes and artistic designs specially made to mark the occasion were common.
“I have specially designed this model of the renaissance dam to remember this historic day,” said a participant in his mid 20’s. An architect by profession, he and his friends made the replica of the model of the Renaissance Dam using waste materials such as paper and pieces of wood.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Over 30,000 km roads constructed with 64 bln birr in 20 years time
Addis Ababa, May 27 – The Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA) disclosed that over 30,000 km of higher-class roads were constructed at a cost of more than 64 billion birr during the past 20 years.
Authority Communication Directorate Director, Samson Wondimu, said that owing to the endeavors made to fulfill the public’s need for road infrastructure and accelerate economic growth of the country, the stated kilometers of roads were built across the country during the past two decades.“The incumbent government inherited only 18, 000 km of roads when it overthrew the Derg regime. However, the national road network reached to 49, 000 Km now,” Samson told WIC yesterday in connection with the 20th anniversary of May 28, a day that marks the demises of the Derg regime.
Besides, more than 100, 000 km of rural feeder roads were built through the active involvement of the rural community, Samson added.
“A noticeable expansion of road network was registered at a national level in particular after the realization of the Road Sector Development Program (RSDP) in 1997,” he added.
According to Samson, the improvement of the road sector contributed a lot for the speedy economic growth registered during the past seven consecutive years.
The authority is currently implementing a five-year road sector development program that takes into consideration the five-year Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP), he added.
According to the director, more than 99,431km at a federal level (71,523 regional roads access program) and 11, 212 km all weather roads will be built at a cost of 121 billion birr over the coming 5 years.
More than 60 per cent of the total costs will be covered by the government of Ethiopia, while the balance will be obtained from Road Fund, lenders, donors and other sources, he noted.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Ethiopia celebrates May 28 Colorfully Across Country
Addis Ababa, May 27,2011 - The twentieth anniversary of May 28 will be colorfully celebrated across the country, Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) said. Redwan Hussien, head of EPRDF secretariat and member of the executive committee, told journalists yesterday that nations, nationalities and peoples of Ethiopia will colorfully mark May 28 as it is the base for the economic, social and political developments registered in the past two decades.
“It is a day in which all Ethiopians, led by EPRDF, got rid of the brutal and murderess regime of Derg,” he said. “It is a day where democracy, justice and freedom were introduced for the first time to Ethiopia”.
The system of democratic federalism introduced ensured the equality of all nations, nationalities and peoples of Ethiopia, Redwan said.
“It [the day] has opened the door for us to fight poverty, hunger, war, backwardness and illiteracy,” Redwan added.
He said that the day will be unique as it will be marked while the country is implementing the five year Growth and Transformation Plan, which include the construction of the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam on Nile River.
Reassuring the people, Redwan expressed EPRDF’s commitment to continuously tackle the artificial price inflation and supply gaps in the market play.
The people of Ethiopian annually commemorate May 28 (Ginbot 20) - a day when the 17-year dictatorial rule of the Derg regime came to an end after long years of struggle.
Last Updated ( Friday, 27 May 2011 )
Higher Education Quality, Standards Assurance Project completed
Addis Ababa 5/27/11– The Ministry of Education said Higher Education Quality and Standards Assurance Project implemented in collaboration with the UK government over the last three years has been completed. Opening a relevant national conference here Wednesday, Education State Minister Dr. Kaba Urgessa said the project supports government’s effort towards ensuring education quality.
Government has already commenced application of standard and criterion in Law education stream, he said adding, efforts are underway in other streams for the same cause.
Hence, he said, competence certificate will be issued to professionals graduated from government and private institutions in the coming five years.
UK government representative, Dr. Chris Berry on his part said the project has been undertaken in four fields of studies.
He said Bahir Dar, Addis Ababa and Adama universities have implemented the project with Leeds Metropolitan University of England.
According to him, ten universities have benefited from the project in the fields of Management, Education, Sports and English Language.
He said the project helps produce competent professionals.
The conference aims to publicize the benefit of the project and the changes it brought in the quality and standards of higher education in the country.
The project was launched three years ago to develop the necessary policy and strategy, framework, infrastructure and system for quality assurance within the higher education institutions.
The conference, which was carried out under the title Designing Quality and Standard into Higher Education curricula, attracted professionals from government and private education institutions.
source ENA
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Romanian companies keen to invest Ethiopian
Addis Ababa, May 26 – Due to the favorable policies put in place in Ethiopia, over 20 Romanian companies expressed their desire to engage in various investment sectors, according to Marius Nicolescu, President of Extra Europe Promotion Center.
In an exclusive interview with WIC today, Nicolescu said that the stated number of Romanian companies are ready to take part and do businesses in Ethiopia. “The companies with more than 30 years of experience are eager to engage in the areas of construction, mining and petroleum exploration, among others,” he noted.
The companies are also interested to involve in water drilling, engineering, and trade since there will be enormous opportunities in the sector in Ethiopia, he said.
Ethiopia’s political stability, huge untapped natural resources, market opportunities and incentives being given by the government are among the factors that attracted the attention of Romanian companies to invest here, Nicolescu said.
The companies have discussed with Ethiopian company owners and Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Association on how to work together so that they would commence investment soon, he said.
“Teams of the companies are well experienced in consultancy, erecting projects, vocational training, recruitments and placement of labor forces with proven success in the world,” he sad.
Last Updated ( Thursday, 26 May 2011 )
In an exclusive interview with WIC today, Nicolescu said that the stated number of Romanian companies are ready to take part and do businesses in Ethiopia. “The companies with more than 30 years of experience are eager to engage in the areas of construction, mining and petroleum exploration, among others,” he noted.
The companies are also interested to involve in water drilling, engineering, and trade since there will be enormous opportunities in the sector in Ethiopia, he said.
Ethiopia’s political stability, huge untapped natural resources, market opportunities and incentives being given by the government are among the factors that attracted the attention of Romanian companies to invest here, Nicolescu said.
The companies have discussed with Ethiopian company owners and Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Association on how to work together so that they would commence investment soon, he said.
“Teams of the companies are well experienced in consultancy, erecting projects, vocational training, recruitments and placement of labor forces with proven success in the world,” he sad.
Last Updated ( Thursday, 26 May 2011 )
Ethio-India target a bln dollar trade relation
Addis Ababa, May 26 – Prime Minister Meles Zenawi projected Ethio-India trade relation to grow to one billion dollar in four years time.
Holding the first ever bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of India in Addis Ababa, premier Meles said that both countries are confident that the trade relation would increase from where it currently stands.
Over 400 Indian companies are investing in Ethiopia with a registered capital of 4.5 million dollars. They are mainly engaged in agriculture, textile, leather and leather products, ICT and mining.India, which provided lines of credit of some 700 million dollars to Ethiopia over the past five years, has pledged to provide another 300 million dollars in credit for the Ethio-Djibouti Railway project. India has also decided to set up a technical and vocational training institute in Ethiopia.
Meles, who hailed his meeting with Singh as the most fruitful he ever had, added that the two leaders have also agreed to strengthen military and security cooperation.
The Prime Minister also downplayed claims of land grabs in Ethiopia and pleaded with Indian investors to ignore what he referred as the ill informed and ill intended campaign.
According to the Prime Minister there is three million hectares of unutilized land prepared and ready for investors in Ethiopia, out of which only 10 percent have been allocated.
“It [allocation of land] is done on the basis of a transparent arrangement and lease based,” Meles told journalists. “There is no land grabs in Ethiopia, has never been and never will be”.
Prime Minister Singh commended the overall economic development of Ethiopia as ‘exemplary’ for the rest of Africa and invited Prime Minister Meles to visit India.
Singh is expected to address parliamentarians today before his official bilateral visit ends later the day.
Last Updated ( Thursday, 26 May 2011 )
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
The Marriage that is Bound to Hell: A Case of Ethiopia’s Exiled Opposition
Sleeping with the Enemy
Hindeya Mebrahtu May 21, 2011- For all I know Ginbot7 is known for its vociferous criticism and denunciation of the Ethiopian form of government which is federation based on nations and nationalities. This organization is abhorrent to group rights and its leaders speciously try to validate only individual rights. Its leader, Dr. Berhanu Nega, has always been highly critical over EPRDF’s policy that recognizes the rights of people, nations and nationalities. For the good doctor, the Ethiopian federal structure is a tender box that ultimately would result in the disintegration of the nation.
OLF and ONLF however never pretended in promoting their mission. To them, Ethiopia is alien and they claim they are fighting to be independent from the alien entity. It is therefore logical to assume that the ideology of OLF and ONLF is unpalatable to Ginbot7. In a normal world, Ginbot7 masquerading as unionist would have accounted these two organizations as its nemeses.
Interestingly, however, on April 23, 2011 Ginbot7, OLF and ONLF declared to the world in Atlanta that they have concluded an agreement to struggle together in order to realize their long held dreams of a better Ethiopia. It is comical. If Ginbot7’s principle is antithetical to the Ethiopian federal system for the already stated reasons, what is the logical explanation for this organization to sleep together with OLF and ONLF that see Ethiopia as a foreign entity? The same question applies to OLF and ONLF for the new enamor they find in Ginbot7. I think even one with a pedantic mind would find it difficult to draw any logic out of such bizarre union.
There is a pattern to this riddle. Ginbot7 had gone as far as Asmara to express its solidarity with Eritrean government in its fight against “ woyane” government. This organization has been working in cahoots with the disgruntled Arbegnoch that had made its “safe heaven” in Eritrea.
This is again a mind boggling question. How could the Ginbot7s entertain the possibility of basking love and care in the world of shaebia? The Ginbot7s that accuse EPRDF over Eritrean independence seem to have little understanding of shaebia’s dilemma when dealing with Ethiopia’s so called opposition. Little did they know that their posture with respect to Eritrea reflects the same image as that of the DERG. And shaebia knows this very well. Isayas Afewerki is interested in Ethiopia’s opposition groups only as far as they serve him as leverage against Ethiopia, a formidable foe. They are only expendable in the eyes of shaebia.
The myopia of their understanding over the nature of an organization when these opposition groups select a partner is perfectly reflected when the so called Ethiopian opposition websites broke the news about a month a go that shaebia had murdered around 15 of the Arbegnoch leaders. This tragic scenario I believe is the result of a state of mind characterized asymmetry of love and hate. The leaders of the exiled opposition hate EPRDF more than they love themselves, just to end up in fatal attraction.
Tantrum Over Achievement
What is more difficult about the leaders of the self exiled opposition is, understanding what they aspire for Ethiopia. Not long ago they were deafening our ears with platitudes such as the economy was in shambles and that economy was a priority before democracy. At this time when the Ethiopian government is investing in mega projects to revamp the economy, they started complaining peevishly that democracy should be a priority. At times, they put their few diehard supporters in an awkward situation with their inconsistent rambling.
On May 15, 2011 Ginbot7 leader Dr. Berhanu Nega had this to say to a group of twenty people in Los Angeles, California:
“Don’t forget this. Any thing, I mean any thing that pleases EPRDF should be opposed and condemned.”
The above quoted speech is not an aberrant version of his speech. That is exactly what he said. Among other things, I think this speech itself belie his claim of a patriotic leader. If building universities, hospitals all over the country and building of the Renaissance Dam is going to please the EPRDF leadership, then they have to be denounced according to Dr. Berhanu’s logical ways of opposing EPRDF. If this is patriotism, better to stay unpatriotic.
It is none of the Ginbot7s concern if millions of Ethiopians go hungry and live in darkness. This particular speech buttressed my conviction that hunger and death of too many Ethiopians are acceptable to Ginbot7 in so far as concomitantly brings them on to power. All their cries about economy and democracy are perfunctory.
In light of this, their call for the North African style revolutions to take place in Ethiopia is nothing other than an attempt to pit the government and the people: and not because they see any positive ramifications in the aftermath of the tumult they desperately crave. The Ginbot7s are trying to salvage their existential predicament by hammering the people to revolt in the hope that it would invite carnage on the Ethiopian people. They are tantalizingly waiting to see the spill of blood and death of civilians by government troops in their attempt to enforce law and order, there by EPRDF would lose Ethiopian people’s trust. This is the essence of their motive when they call the people to go on riot. It is all about power. Like they say, their mind is devil’s workshop. The good thing is gone are the days when these so called Diaspora opposition leaders could hoodwink the people. There is no more any Pandora’s Box that any opposition can unleash in Ethiopia. Believe me evanescence is your fate, I bet!
For any comment, you can reach me at:
Hindeya Mebrahtu May 21, 2011- For all I know Ginbot7 is known for its vociferous criticism and denunciation of the Ethiopian form of government which is federation based on nations and nationalities. This organization is abhorrent to group rights and its leaders speciously try to validate only individual rights. Its leader, Dr. Berhanu Nega, has always been highly critical over EPRDF’s policy that recognizes the rights of people, nations and nationalities. For the good doctor, the Ethiopian federal structure is a tender box that ultimately would result in the disintegration of the nation.
OLF and ONLF however never pretended in promoting their mission. To them, Ethiopia is alien and they claim they are fighting to be independent from the alien entity. It is therefore logical to assume that the ideology of OLF and ONLF is unpalatable to Ginbot7. In a normal world, Ginbot7 masquerading as unionist would have accounted these two organizations as its nemeses.
Interestingly, however, on April 23, 2011 Ginbot7, OLF and ONLF declared to the world in Atlanta that they have concluded an agreement to struggle together in order to realize their long held dreams of a better Ethiopia. It is comical. If Ginbot7’s principle is antithetical to the Ethiopian federal system for the already stated reasons, what is the logical explanation for this organization to sleep together with OLF and ONLF that see Ethiopia as a foreign entity? The same question applies to OLF and ONLF for the new enamor they find in Ginbot7. I think even one with a pedantic mind would find it difficult to draw any logic out of such bizarre union.
There is a pattern to this riddle. Ginbot7 had gone as far as Asmara to express its solidarity with Eritrean government in its fight against “ woyane” government. This organization has been working in cahoots with the disgruntled Arbegnoch that had made its “safe heaven” in Eritrea.
This is again a mind boggling question. How could the Ginbot7s entertain the possibility of basking love and care in the world of shaebia? The Ginbot7s that accuse EPRDF over Eritrean independence seem to have little understanding of shaebia’s dilemma when dealing with Ethiopia’s so called opposition. Little did they know that their posture with respect to Eritrea reflects the same image as that of the DERG. And shaebia knows this very well. Isayas Afewerki is interested in Ethiopia’s opposition groups only as far as they serve him as leverage against Ethiopia, a formidable foe. They are only expendable in the eyes of shaebia.
The myopia of their understanding over the nature of an organization when these opposition groups select a partner is perfectly reflected when the so called Ethiopian opposition websites broke the news about a month a go that shaebia had murdered around 15 of the Arbegnoch leaders. This tragic scenario I believe is the result of a state of mind characterized asymmetry of love and hate. The leaders of the exiled opposition hate EPRDF more than they love themselves, just to end up in fatal attraction.
Tantrum Over Achievement
What is more difficult about the leaders of the self exiled opposition is, understanding what they aspire for Ethiopia. Not long ago they were deafening our ears with platitudes such as the economy was in shambles and that economy was a priority before democracy. At this time when the Ethiopian government is investing in mega projects to revamp the economy, they started complaining peevishly that democracy should be a priority. At times, they put their few diehard supporters in an awkward situation with their inconsistent rambling.
On May 15, 2011 Ginbot7 leader Dr. Berhanu Nega had this to say to a group of twenty people in Los Angeles, California:
“Don’t forget this. Any thing, I mean any thing that pleases EPRDF should be opposed and condemned.”
The above quoted speech is not an aberrant version of his speech. That is exactly what he said. Among other things, I think this speech itself belie his claim of a patriotic leader. If building universities, hospitals all over the country and building of the Renaissance Dam is going to please the EPRDF leadership, then they have to be denounced according to Dr. Berhanu’s logical ways of opposing EPRDF. If this is patriotism, better to stay unpatriotic.
It is none of the Ginbot7s concern if millions of Ethiopians go hungry and live in darkness. This particular speech buttressed my conviction that hunger and death of too many Ethiopians are acceptable to Ginbot7 in so far as concomitantly brings them on to power. All their cries about economy and democracy are perfunctory.
In light of this, their call for the North African style revolutions to take place in Ethiopia is nothing other than an attempt to pit the government and the people: and not because they see any positive ramifications in the aftermath of the tumult they desperately crave. The Ginbot7s are trying to salvage their existential predicament by hammering the people to revolt in the hope that it would invite carnage on the Ethiopian people. They are tantalizingly waiting to see the spill of blood and death of civilians by government troops in their attempt to enforce law and order, there by EPRDF would lose Ethiopian people’s trust. This is the essence of their motive when they call the people to go on riot. It is all about power. Like they say, their mind is devil’s workshop. The good thing is gone are the days when these so called Diaspora opposition leaders could hoodwink the people. There is no more any Pandora’s Box that any opposition can unleash in Ethiopia. Believe me evanescence is your fate, I bet!
For any comment, you can reach me at:
Midakegn Woreda, West Shoa Zone of Oromia State building 25 dev’t projects
AMBO 5.25.2011 – The construction of 25 various development projects is underway in Midakegn Woreda, West Shoa Zone of Oromia State with over three million birr, the woreda administration said.
Woreda Deputy Chief, Shule Abdissa told ENA that the projects are in the areas of education, safe water provision, health and agriculture.
Shule, who is also head of the woreda agriculture office, said so far construction of a youth centre, a library and a cafeteria has been finalized.. The government and the public covered the cost for construction of the projects, he said.
Upon going fully operational at the end of this fiscal year, the projects will benefit over 50,000 residents, Shule said.
Source: ENA
Woreda Deputy Chief, Shule Abdissa told ENA that the projects are in the areas of education, safe water provision, health and agriculture.
Shule, who is also head of the woreda agriculture office, said so far construction of a youth centre, a library and a cafeteria has been finalized.. The government and the public covered the cost for construction of the projects, he said.
Upon going fully operational at the end of this fiscal year, the projects will benefit over 50,000 residents, Shule said.
Source: ENA
South Gondar, Rib Dam 1st phase construction, irrigation dev't project finalized
ADDIS ABABA 5.25.11 – The first phase of construction of the Rib Dam and Irrigation Development Project launched in South Gondar Zone of Amhara State at a cost of over 1.4 billion birr has been completed, Project General Manager Elias Jobir said.
Elias told journalists that the project will benefit over 40,000 farmers.
The project scheduled to be completed after two years, will enable the stated number of farmers to ensure food security.
Construction of the project has created job opportunities for about 400 residents, the manager said.
He said the project has a capacity to develop over 20,000 hectares.
Source: ENA
Elias told journalists that the project will benefit over 40,000 farmers.
The project scheduled to be completed after two years, will enable the stated number of farmers to ensure food security.
Construction of the project has created job opportunities for about 400 residents, the manager said.
He said the project has a capacity to develop over 20,000 hectares.
Source: ENA
Rib South Gondar, Dam 1st phase construction, irrigation dev't project finalized
ADDIS ABABA 5.25.11– The first phase of construction of the Rib Dam and Irrigation Development Project launched in South Gondar Zone of Amhara State at a cost of over 1.4 billion birr has been completed, Project General Manager Elias Jobir said.
Elias told journalists that the project will benefit over 40,000 farmers.
The project scheduled to be completed after two years, will enable the stated number of farmers to ensure food security.
Construction of the project has created job opportunities for about 400 residents, the manager said.
He said the project has a capacity to develop over 20,000 hectares.
Source: ENA
Elias told journalists that the project will benefit over 40,000 farmers.
The project scheduled to be completed after two years, will enable the stated number of farmers to ensure food security.
Construction of the project has created job opportunities for about 400 residents, the manager said.
He said the project has a capacity to develop over 20,000 hectares.
Source: ENA
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Oromia Irrigating 33,000ht of Land
5-24-2011-Over 32,390 farmers are developing over 33,000ht through irrigation in North Shoa Zone, Oromia Regional State, according to the zonal agriculture and rural development office. More than 10,000ql of artificial fertiliser and compost were used to develop the stated area of land, it said.
Farmers collect 97 mln. birr income through irrigation
Addis Ababa – Some 22,000 farmers engaged small-scale irrigation development in Ofla Woreda of South Tigray Zone during the dry season have obtained over 97 million birr income, the woreda rural development office said.
Office Head, Asfaw Neguse told ENA Saturday that the farmers earned the income from sale of over 140,000 quintals of vegetables and fruits cultivated on 3,600 hectares through irrigation over the last five months.
Asfaw said making use of fertilizers and select seeds enabled the farmers to collect the stated sum.
Over 16,000 farmers in Kilte Awlalo Woreda of East Tigray Zone have also obtained nearly 70 million birr through irrigation, the woreda public relation office said.
Office Head, Solomon Ambaye said the farmers earned the stated sum from sale of 367,000 quintals of agricultural products cultivated on 5,200 hectares.
According to him, the products include spices, vegetables and fruits.
The farmers utilized over 2,000 water wells, 44 small rivers and half a million quintals of fertilizer to boost production, he said.
Source: (ENA)
Office Head, Asfaw Neguse told ENA Saturday that the farmers earned the income from sale of over 140,000 quintals of vegetables and fruits cultivated on 3,600 hectares through irrigation over the last five months.
Asfaw said making use of fertilizers and select seeds enabled the farmers to collect the stated sum.
Over 16,000 farmers in Kilte Awlalo Woreda of East Tigray Zone have also obtained nearly 70 million birr through irrigation, the woreda public relation office said.
Office Head, Solomon Ambaye said the farmers earned the stated sum from sale of 367,000 quintals of agricultural products cultivated on 5,200 hectares.
According to him, the products include spices, vegetables and fruits.
The farmers utilized over 2,000 water wells, 44 small rivers and half a million quintals of fertilizer to boost production, he said.
Source: (ENA)
India pledges 300 mln USD for Ethio-Djibouti Railway
Addis Ababa, May 24 – Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of India announced that his government would support the development of a new Ethio-Djibouti Railway line to the tune of 300 million dollars.
At the inaugural ceremony of the Second Africa India Forum Summit, Prime Minister Singh said India would also offer 5 billion USD for the next three years under lines of credit to help achieve the development goals of Africa.
“Under the lines of credit that we offered at the first Summit, we had specifically looked at promoting regional integration through infrastructure development,” Singh said in his address to Heads of States and representatives of 15 African countries. “On the advice of the African Union, I am happy to announce that we would support the development of a new Ethio-Djibouti Railway line to the tune of 300 million USD for this important regional project”.
The Prime Minister also said that India will offer an additional 700 million USD to establish new institutions and training programmes in consultation with the African Union and its institutions.
“Africa possesses all the prerequisites to become a major growth pole of the world in the 21st century,” Singh said. “We will work with Africa to enable it to realize this potential”.
The Prime Minister proposed to establish an India-Africa Food Processing Cluster, Integrated Textiles Cluster, Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting Cluster and an India-Africa Institute of Agriculture and Rural Development.
He also proposed the establishment of an India-Africa Virtual University, which will provide 10,000 new scholarships for African students.
“This, we hope, will help to meet some of the demand in Africa for higher studies in Indian Institutions,” Singh said adding that the current 500 African scholarships per annum would be increased to 900, taking the total commitment for the next three years to more than 22,000.
In support of maintaining peace and security in Africa, Prime Minister Singh said that India would contribute two million USD for the African Union Mission in Somalia.
The Second Africa-India Forum Summit is expected to adopt a Joint Declaration of the Africa – India Partnership (Addis Ababa Declaration) to contain the political commitments of the two sides, as well as an Africa – India Framework for Cooperation when it culminates tomorrow.
Representatives of 15 African countries including Algeria, Burundi, Chad, Egypt, Ethiopia, Equatorial Guinea, Kenya, Libya, Malawi, Namibia, Mauritania, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa and Swaziland are taking part in the summit.
On the Ethiopian side Prime Minister Meles Zenawi and his Deputy Hailemariam Desalegn, who is also Minister of Foreign Affairs, attended the Summit.
Singh, who co-chaired the Summit with Chairperson of the African Union and President of Equatorial Guinea, Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, is also expected to hold bilateral visits to Ethiopia and Tanzania.
At the inaugural ceremony of the Second Africa India Forum Summit, Prime Minister Singh said India would also offer 5 billion USD for the next three years under lines of credit to help achieve the development goals of Africa.
“Under the lines of credit that we offered at the first Summit, we had specifically looked at promoting regional integration through infrastructure development,” Singh said in his address to Heads of States and representatives of 15 African countries. “On the advice of the African Union, I am happy to announce that we would support the development of a new Ethio-Djibouti Railway line to the tune of 300 million USD for this important regional project”.
The Prime Minister also said that India will offer an additional 700 million USD to establish new institutions and training programmes in consultation with the African Union and its institutions.
“Africa possesses all the prerequisites to become a major growth pole of the world in the 21st century,” Singh said. “We will work with Africa to enable it to realize this potential”.
The Prime Minister proposed to establish an India-Africa Food Processing Cluster, Integrated Textiles Cluster, Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting Cluster and an India-Africa Institute of Agriculture and Rural Development.
He also proposed the establishment of an India-Africa Virtual University, which will provide 10,000 new scholarships for African students.
“This, we hope, will help to meet some of the demand in Africa for higher studies in Indian Institutions,” Singh said adding that the current 500 African scholarships per annum would be increased to 900, taking the total commitment for the next three years to more than 22,000.
In support of maintaining peace and security in Africa, Prime Minister Singh said that India would contribute two million USD for the African Union Mission in Somalia.
The Second Africa-India Forum Summit is expected to adopt a Joint Declaration of the Africa – India Partnership (Addis Ababa Declaration) to contain the political commitments of the two sides, as well as an Africa – India Framework for Cooperation when it culminates tomorrow.
Representatives of 15 African countries including Algeria, Burundi, Chad, Egypt, Ethiopia, Equatorial Guinea, Kenya, Libya, Malawi, Namibia, Mauritania, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa and Swaziland are taking part in the summit.
On the Ethiopian side Prime Minister Meles Zenawi and his Deputy Hailemariam Desalegn, who is also Minister of Foreign Affairs, attended the Summit.
Singh, who co-chaired the Summit with Chairperson of the African Union and President of Equatorial Guinea, Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, is also expected to hold bilateral visits to Ethiopia and Tanzania.
Monday, May 23, 2011
ለህዳሴ ግድብ ግንባታ ድጋፍ ቀጥሏል
5-23-23-የቦንድ ግዥና የገንዘብ ድጋፍ ተጠናክሮ ቀጥሏል። ሰዒድ ያሲን የግል ኩባንያና ሠራተኞቹ ለታላቁ የኢትዮጵያ ህዳሴ ግድብ ግንባታ አንድ ነጥብ አንድ ሚሊዮን ብር ድጋፍ አድርገዋል። የኩባንያው ዋና ሥራ አስኪያጅ አቶ ሰዒድ ያሲን እንደገለጹት፤ የግድቡ ግንባታ ተጠናቅቆ አገልግሎት መስጠት ሲጀምር ከማንኛውም የኅብረተሰብ ክፍል በበለጠ ተጠቃሚው የንግዱ ማኅበረሰብ ነው። ንግሥት ለግድቡ ግንባታ መላው ሕዝብ እንዲሳተፍ ላቀረበው ጥሪም ኩባንያው 100 ሺ ብር በስጦታ፣ 900ሺ ብር ደግሞ ከወለድ ነጻ የሆነ ቦንድ ለመግዛት ውሳኔ ላይ ደርሷል።የኩባንያው ሠራተኞች ደግሞ በአንድ ዓመት ተከፍሎ የሚጠናቀቅ የአንድ ወር ደመዛቸውን 100ሺ ብር ለማበርከት ወስነዋል። በዓባይ ወንዝ ላይ የተጀመረው የልማት ፕሮጀክት የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ ለዘመናት የነበረውን የረጅም ጊዜ ምኞት ያሳካ መሆኑን ጠቁመው፤ የኩባንያው ድጋፍ የግድቡ ግንባታ ተጠናቆ ለአገልግሎት እስኪበቃ ድረስ አስፈላጊውን ድጋፍ ሁሉ እንደሚያደርግ አረጋግጠዋል።
መላው የንግዱ ማኅበረሰብም በባለቤትነት መንፈስ እያደረገ ያለውን ተሳትፎ አጠናክሮ እንደሚቀጥልም እምነታቸው መሆኑን ገልጸዋል።
ሰዓድ ያሲን ኩባንያ ቡናን ወደ ውጭ በመላክ ንግድ ላይ የተሰማራ የአገር ውስጥ ኩባንያ ነው።
በጉጂ ዞን የኡራጋ ወረዳ የመንግሥት ሠራተኞችና መምህራን ለታላቁ የኢትዮጵያ ህዳሴ ግድብ ግንባታ የአንድ ወር ደመወዛቸውን ከ980ሺ በላይ ብር ለመለገስ ቃል ገቡ፡፡
የወረዳው ዋና አስተዳዳሪ አቶ ክፍሌ ዋሬ ሰሞኑን እንደገለጹት፤ መምህራኑና ሠራተኞቹ ደመወዛቸውን ለመለገስ ቃል የገቡት በህዳሴው ግደብ ግንባታ ዙሪያ በስፋት ከተወያዩ በኋላ ነው፡፡
እንዲሁም ከደመወዛቸው በተጨማሪ በግልና በቡድን እንደየአቅማቸው ገንዘብ በማዋጣት ቦንድ ለመግዛት ስምምነት ላይ መድረሳቸውንም ጠቁመዋል፡፡
የህዳሴው ግድብ ግንባታ ተጀምሮ እስከሚጠናቀቅም የሚፈለግባቸውን ለማድረግ ቃል መግባታቸውን ዋና አስተዳዳሪው አስታውቀዋል፡፡
በጌዴኦ ዞን የቡሌ ወረዳ የመንግሥት ሠራተኞችና የአመራር አካላት ለታላቁ የኢትዮጵያ ህዳሴ ግድብ ግንባታ የአንድ ወር ደመወዛቸውን ከአንድ ሚሊዮን በላይ ብር ለገሱ።
ሠራተኞቹና የአመራር አባላቱ ደመወዛቸውን ለመለገስ የተስማሙት በግድቡ ግንባታ እንቅስቃሴ ዙሪያ በወረዳው ዋና ከተማ በስፋት ከተወያዩ በኋላ ነው፡፡
እንዲሁም ሠራተኞቹ ከወር ደመወዛቸው በተጨማሪም ቦንድ እንደሚገዙና ግድቡ እስኪጠናቀቅ ድረስም በገንዘባቸው፣ በዕውቀ ታቸውና በጉልበታቸው ድጋፍ ለማድረግ መዘጋጀታቸውንም ገልጸዋል።
የወረዳው ዋና አስተዳዳሪ አቶ ኃይሉ መንገሻ እንደተናገሩት፤ የመንግሥት ሠራተኛው ለህዳሴው ግድብ የሰጠው ድጋፍ ለሀገሩ እድገት ያለውን ጉጉት የሚያሳይ ነው ብለዋል፡፡
ሠራተኛው የጀመረውን ተነሳሽነት በተሰማራበት መስክ ሁሉ በመተግበር ከድህነትና ኋላቀርነት ለመላቀቅ ለሚደረገው ድጋፍ የበኩሉን አስተዋፅኦ እንዲያበረክት አሳስበዋል።
መላው የንግዱ ማኅበረሰብም በባለቤትነት መንፈስ እያደረገ ያለውን ተሳትፎ አጠናክሮ እንደሚቀጥልም እምነታቸው መሆኑን ገልጸዋል።
ሰዓድ ያሲን ኩባንያ ቡናን ወደ ውጭ በመላክ ንግድ ላይ የተሰማራ የአገር ውስጥ ኩባንያ ነው።
በጉጂ ዞን የኡራጋ ወረዳ የመንግሥት ሠራተኞችና መምህራን ለታላቁ የኢትዮጵያ ህዳሴ ግድብ ግንባታ የአንድ ወር ደመወዛቸውን ከ980ሺ በላይ ብር ለመለገስ ቃል ገቡ፡፡
የወረዳው ዋና አስተዳዳሪ አቶ ክፍሌ ዋሬ ሰሞኑን እንደገለጹት፤ መምህራኑና ሠራተኞቹ ደመወዛቸውን ለመለገስ ቃል የገቡት በህዳሴው ግደብ ግንባታ ዙሪያ በስፋት ከተወያዩ በኋላ ነው፡፡
እንዲሁም ከደመወዛቸው በተጨማሪ በግልና በቡድን እንደየአቅማቸው ገንዘብ በማዋጣት ቦንድ ለመግዛት ስምምነት ላይ መድረሳቸውንም ጠቁመዋል፡፡
የህዳሴው ግድብ ግንባታ ተጀምሮ እስከሚጠናቀቅም የሚፈለግባቸውን ለማድረግ ቃል መግባታቸውን ዋና አስተዳዳሪው አስታውቀዋል፡፡
በጌዴኦ ዞን የቡሌ ወረዳ የመንግሥት ሠራተኞችና የአመራር አካላት ለታላቁ የኢትዮጵያ ህዳሴ ግድብ ግንባታ የአንድ ወር ደመወዛቸውን ከአንድ ሚሊዮን በላይ ብር ለገሱ።
ሠራተኞቹና የአመራር አባላቱ ደመወዛቸውን ለመለገስ የተስማሙት በግድቡ ግንባታ እንቅስቃሴ ዙሪያ በወረዳው ዋና ከተማ በስፋት ከተወያዩ በኋላ ነው፡፡
እንዲሁም ሠራተኞቹ ከወር ደመወዛቸው በተጨማሪም ቦንድ እንደሚገዙና ግድቡ እስኪጠናቀቅ ድረስም በገንዘባቸው፣ በዕውቀ ታቸውና በጉልበታቸው ድጋፍ ለማድረግ መዘጋጀታቸውንም ገልጸዋል።
የወረዳው ዋና አስተዳዳሪ አቶ ኃይሉ መንገሻ እንደተናገሩት፤ የመንግሥት ሠራተኛው ለህዳሴው ግድብ የሰጠው ድጋፍ ለሀገሩ እድገት ያለውን ጉጉት የሚያሳይ ነው ብለዋል፡፡
ሠራተኛው የጀመረውን ተነሳሽነት በተሰማራበት መስክ ሁሉ በመተግበር ከድህነትና ኋላቀርነት ለመላቀቅ ለሚደረገው ድጋፍ የበኩሉን አስተዋፅኦ እንዲያበረክት አሳስበዋል።
የኢንዱስትሪ ልማት ተስፋዎች
የመሀከለኛው ክብ ወደ ጐን ለሁለት የተከፈለ ነው። ከታችኛው ክፋይ ባለው ቦታ መዶሻ፣ መሰላል፣ የልብስ መስፊያ ሲንጀር፣ ሌሎች መሣሪያዎች አረንጓዴ ቀለም መደብ ጐልተው ይታያሉ። ከላይኛው ወገን የቢጫ ቀለም መደብ ላይ የኢንዱስትሪ ምልክት በደማቁ ሰፍሯል – ሰባት ዓመታትን ያስቆጠረው የልማት ተጓዥ የጥቃቅንና አነስተኛ ልማት ኤጀንሲ አርማ።አረንጓዴ ቀለም የልምላሜ፣ ቢጫው ደግሞ የብሩህ ተስፋ ምልክት ስለመሆናቸው እርግጥ ነው።
በጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር ጽሕፈት ቤት የመሰብሰቢያ አዳራሽ ኢትዮጵያውያን በሚወዱት ሰንደቅ ዓላማቸው ላይ ያሉ ሁለት የመጀመሪያ ቀለሞችን ወክለው የለበሱ በርካታ የልማት አርበኞች በየወንበራቸው ተቀምጠዋል። ባላጋራቸውን ታግለው የረቱ ባለድል በመሆናቸው የፊታቸው ገፅታ ፈክቷል። ድህነት እንደሚሸነፍ በተግባር ያረጋገጡ የመሆናቸው እውነት ፊታቸው ይናገራል። በተለይ ቢጫውን ጋዋን የለበሱ ኢንተርፕራይዞች ከፊታቸው የቆመውን ችግር በማለፍ፤ መሰላሉን በብዙ ውጣ ውረድ በመውጣት ከግባቸው የደረሱ ናቸው። በዕለቱ ተመርቀው ወደ መካከለኛ ኢንዱስትሪ መሸጋገራቸውን የሚያረጋግጡ የልማት ጀግኖች ናቸው። በነጭ ቲ ሸርት ላይ አረንጓዴውን መቀነት ወደ ጐን ያጠለቁትም ቢሆኑ ከኢንተርፕራይዝነት ወደ ሞዴል ኢንተርፕራይዝነት የተሸጋገሩ በመሆናቸው በደስታ ፈክተዋል።
የአዲስ አበባ ከተማ አስተዳደር ለበርካታ የጥቃቅንና አነስተኛ አንቀሳቃሶች የተለያዩ ድጋፎችን በማድረጉ በሺ የሚቆጠሩ የከተማ ነዋሪዎች በዘርፉ እንዲታቀፉ ማድረጉን መረጃዎች ያመለክታሉ። ከደቂቃ ሙት ውስጥ 250 ኢንተርፕራይዞች ወደ መካከለኛ ኢንዱስትሪ መሸጋገር የሚችሉበት ደረጃ ላይም መድረሳቸውን አረጋግጠዋል።
ከእነዚህ መካከል የዮሽ ኮንስትራክሽን ኢንተርፕራይዝ አንዱ ነው። ሥራ አስኪያጁ አቶ ዮሐንስ ይግለጡ እንደሚናገሩት የኢንተርፕራይዙ ካፒታል አምስት ሚሊዮን ደርሷል።
አቶ ዮሐንሰ እንደተናገሩት፤ ኩባንያቸውን ያቋቋሙት በ2000 ዓ.ም ነው። የተሰማሩበት ዘርፍ ኮንስትራክሽን ቴራዞንና የግንባታ ሥራዎች ነው። የቴራዞን ማሽኖችን እየሠሩም ለሌሎች ኢንተርፕራይዞችና ድርጅቶች ይሸጣሉ።
በጥቃቅንና አነስተኛ ተቋም ጀምረው ወደ መካከለኛ ኢንዱስትሪ በመሸጋገራቸው እድለኛ መሆናቸውን ይናገራሉ። አቶ ዮሐንስ እንደሚሉት፤ መንግሥት የተለያዩ ድጋፎችን አድርጐላቸዋል። በድጋፉም በእጅጉ ደስተኛ ናቸው። ከአዲስ ብድር ቁጠባ በተለያየ ጊዜ ብድር መውሰዳቸውንም አውግተውናል።
በተቋቋሙበት ወቅት «በምን ዓይነት ሥራ ብንሰማራ ውጤታማ መሆን እንችላለን ብለን በማሰባችን ለዛሬው ውጤት አብቅቶናል እድለኞች ነን» ይላሉ ሥራ አስኪያጁ። በወቅቱ በመረጡት የቴራዞን ዘርፍ ማንም ኢንተርፕራይዝ እንዳልነበር ያስታውሳሉ። እንዲያውም ሥራውን የሚሠሩ በቁጥር ሦስት አራት የሆኑ የመንግሥት ትልልቅ ተቋማት ብቻ እንደሆኑም ይናገራሉ።
እንደ ሥራ አስኪያጁ ገለፃ፣ ሥራውን በሚጀምሩበት ወቅት ብዙ ሰዎች ገበያ አታገኙም የሚል አስተያየት ይሠጧቸው ነበር። በርግጥ በወቅቱ የገበያ ሁኔታ ፈታኝ ሆኖባቸዋል። በተጨማሪም 'በጥቃቅንና አነስተኛ ሥራ እንዴት ይደፈራል?' ያሏቸው ወገኖችም አሉ።
«ያም ሆኖ መንግሥት የገበያውን ስጋት ትስስር በመፍጠር ያቃለለው ሲሆን፤ በዚህም የተሻለ ውጤት በማምጣታቸው ቤቶች ልማት ላይ ጥሩ ሥራዎችን አከናውነዋል። ኢንተርፕራይዛቸው በራሱ ካፒታል የድንጋይ 'ክርኤቸር ሳይት' ተጫርቶ ገዝቷል» ብለዋል አቶ ዮሐንስ።
ኢንተርፕራይዛቸው ወደ መካከለኛ ኢንዱስትሪ በመሸጋገሩ የሚያከናውናቸው ሰፋፊ ሥራዎች እንዳሉ ይጠቁማሉ። ለኤጀንሲው «የ20 ሚሊዮን 770 ሺ ብር ፕሮጀክት» አስጠንተው አቅርበዋል።
ቀደም ሲል በሚሠራው ሥራ ኢንተርፕራይዛቸው 47 ያህል ለሚሆኑ ሰዎች የሥራ ዕድል መፍጠሩን የተናገሩት ሥራ አስኪያጁ፤ ቴራዞን ማሽኖችን በክልል ደረጃም እየታዘዙ ይሰሩ እንደነበር ነው ያብራሩት።
አካ ኃላፊነቱ የተወሰነ የግል ማኅበር የተቋቋመው በ1997ዓ. ም ነው። የተሰማራበት የሥራ ዘርፍም በእንጨትና ብረታ ብረት ነው። የኢንተርፕራይዙ ባለቤትና ሥራ አስኪያጅ አቶ አብዲላሀዲ ዓሊ በበኩላቸው በመመረቃቸው ከፍተኛ ደስታ እንደተሰማቸው ይገልፃሉ።
በአሁኑ ወቅት ወደ መካከለኛ ኢንዱስትሪ ሊሸጋገሩ የቻሉት ከአምስት ሚሊዮን ብር በላይ ካፒታል በማድረሳቸው እንደሆነ የሚገልጹት አቶ አብዱላሀዲ፤ በኢንተርፕራይዛቸው ወደ 14 የሚሆኑ ሠራተኞች የሥራ ዕድል እንዳገኙ ይገልፃሉ።
አቶ አብዱላሀዲ እንደሚናገሩት፤ ሽግግሩ የሥራንም ትጋት የሚጠይቅ ነው። ወደፊት ሊሠሩ ያቀዱት የፓስታ፣ ማካሮኒ፣ ዱቄትና ብስኩት ፋብሪካ በመገንባት ነው። ይህም ለብዙዎች የሥራ ዕድል ለመፍጠር ይችላል። ለዚህም የ13 ሚሊዮን ብር ፕሮጀክት ቀርፀው ለኤጀንሲው አስገብተዋል። ሁሉ ነገር ከተመቻቸላቸው አንዲትም ቀን ሳያሳልፉ ሥራ ለመጀመር ያላቸውን ብቃት በልበ ሙሉነት ይናገራሉ። «ሁሉም ሰው ያለመታከት በትጋት ሥራውን የሚያከናውን ከሆነ በሚያጋጥመው ጥቃቅን መሰናክል አይበገርም» የሚል እምነት አላቸው።
በ2001 ዓ.ም የተቋቋመው የጋላክሲ ኮንስትራክሽን ኢንተርፕራይዝ የተሰማራው በኮንስትራክሽኑ ዘርፍ መሆኑን የማኅበሩ ሊቀ መንበር አቶ አወቀ ጐዳና ይገልፃሉ።
እንደ አቶ አወቀ ገለፃ፤ ኢንተርፕራይዙ ያስመዘገበው አንድ ነጥብ አምስት ሚሊዮን ብር ካፒታል ነው። አስራ አንድ አባላት አሉት። ከአባላቱ ውጪ በተለያዩ ኮንስትራክሽን ሥራ ውስጥ የሚሠሩ 106 የጉልበት ሠራተኞችና ሦስት ቋሚ ተቀጣሪዎች አሉት።
ቀደም ባሉ ጊዜያት ሥራቸውን ሲያከናወኑ በርካታ ማነቆዎች አጋጥሟቸው እንደነበር አቶ አወቀ ያስታውሳሉ። ሰው በተሰማራበት ሥራ በቁርጠኝነት የሚሠራ ከሆነ የሚያጋጥመውን እንቅፋት በትዕግስት ማለፍ ይችላል ይላሉ። ኢንተርፕራይዞችም ሆኑ ሞዴል ኢንተርፕራይዞች ሊያጋጥማቸው ለሚችል ማንኛውም ፈተና እጅ መስጠት እንደሌለባቸው በመግለፅ።
«ጥቂት የማይባሉ ፈተናዎችን አልፌ በመሥራቴ በጣም ደስተኛ ነን» ያሉት አቶ አወቀ፤ መንግሥት 'ሁሌም ከጐናችሁ ነኝ' ከማለትም ሌላ በተግባር በርካታ ድጋፎችን በማድረጉ አሁንም የስኬት ጉዞዬን አጠናክራለሁ ሲሉ ሀሳባቸውን አጋርተውናል።
ቀደም ሲል ይሠሩ የነበረበትን ዘርፍ በመለወጥ ወደ ግብርናው ለመግባት የ14 ሚሊዮን ብር ፕሮጀክት መንደፋቸውን ገልጸው፤ በተለይ ከብት አደልበው ወደ ውጭ ሀገር ለመላክ በተጓዳኝም ሌሎች ሥራዎችን ለመሥራት መዘጋጀታቸውን ነው ያብራሩት።
እንደ እርሳቸው አነጋገር የመመረቃቸው ፋይዳ ብዙ ነው። ጥቃቅንና አነስተኛ ኢንተርፕራይዝ ተቋም ከተወሰነ ጣሪያ በላይ ለመንቀሳቀስ ሕጉ አይፈቅድም። አሁን ግን ከምረቃው በኋላ በተሰጣቸው እውቅና የተሻለ ነገር ለመሥራት ያስችላቸዋል። «ኢንቨስትመንት ውስጥ መግባት በራሱ ቀላል ነገር አይደለም። ይሁንና ያለፈውን ውጣ ውረድ ያለፍኩበትን ጥበብና ትጋት እንደ ተሞክሮ በመውሰድ በቀጣይም የተሻለ ነገር ለመሥራት በግንባር ቀደምትነት ለመንቀሳቀስ ዝግጁ ነን» ብለዋል።
ራዕይ ቅዱስ ሚካኤል ኮንስትራክሽን ኢንተርፕራይዝ ከአንድ ነጥብ ስድስት ሚሊዮን ብር በላይ ካፒታል እንዳለው የሚናገሩት ሊቀመንበሩ አቶ ሰለሞን ንጉሴ ናቸው። በ1997 ዓ.ም የተቋቋመው ኢንተርፕራይዛቸው የተሰማራበት ዘርፍ በእንጨትና ብረታ ብረታ እንደሆነ አመልክተው፤ የሚያመርተውም እንደ ብሎኬትና ፕሪካስት ዓይነት ምርቶች እንደሆነ ጠቁመዋል።
ሥራውን ሲጀምሩ በሁለት ሺ ብር እንደሆነ የሚያስታውሱት ሊቀመንበሩ፤ በአሁኑ ወቅት ከ30 የማያንሱ ሠራተኞች የሥራ አድል እንደተፈጠረላቸው ይናገራሉ። ከእነዚህ መካከል አምስቱ ቋሚ ሠራተኞች ናቸው ብለዋል።
ሊቀመንበሩ የወደፊት እቅዳቸውን ሲገልጹ ያሉበትን ዘርፍ በማጠናከር ዝግጅታቸውን አጠናቀዋል። በተለይ ትልልቅ ፋብሪካዎችን ለመገንባት አቅደዋል።
«ማንኛውም ሥራ ፈላጊ ሰው ሥራ ሳያማርጥ መሥራት አለበት» የሚል እምነት እንዳላቸው አቶ ሰለሞን ገልጸው፤ ሥራ ማማረጥ ግን የቀረ አሊያም የኋላቀርነት መገለጫ አድርገው እንደሚወስዱ ነው የተናገሩት።
በዕለቱ ወደ መካከለኛ ኢንዱስትሪ የተሸጋገሩትን ኢንተርፕራይዞች የመረቋቸው የኢፌዴሪ ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር አቶ መለስ ዜናዊ ሲሆኑ፤ በዘርፉ የተማረ የሰው ኃይል በተለይም ከከፍተኛ የትምህርት ተቋም ተመርቀው የሚወጡ ወጣቶች እንዲሁም ሴቶች ሊሳተፉበት ይገባል ሲሉ ነው ያስገነዘቡት።
ለዘርፉ የተሻለ አመለካከት ያላቸው የልማት ጉዞአቸው ስኬታማ ሆኖ እነሆ ሰሞኑን ለመሸለም እና ለመመረቅ በቅተዋል፡፡ ከአዲስ አበባ አነስተኛና ጥቃቅንና ኢንተርፕራዝ ልማት ኤጀንሲው በተገኘ መረጃ መሠረት ከ20 ሺ ጥቃቅንና አነስተኛ ኢንተርፕራይዝ መካከል 400 ያህሉ ከ200 ሺ ብር በላይ ካፒታል በማስመዝገባቸው የተሸለሙ ሲሆን፤ ከአንድ ነጥብ አምስት ሚሊዮን እስከ 20 ሚሊዮን ብር ካፒታል ያስመዘገቡ ደግሞ ተመርቀው ወደ መካከለኛ ኢንዱስትሪ በመሸጋገራቸው ልማታዊ ባለ ሀብት ተፈጥሯል።
በጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር ጽሕፈት ቤት የመሰብሰቢያ አዳራሽ ኢትዮጵያውያን በሚወዱት ሰንደቅ ዓላማቸው ላይ ያሉ ሁለት የመጀመሪያ ቀለሞችን ወክለው የለበሱ በርካታ የልማት አርበኞች በየወንበራቸው ተቀምጠዋል። ባላጋራቸውን ታግለው የረቱ ባለድል በመሆናቸው የፊታቸው ገፅታ ፈክቷል። ድህነት እንደሚሸነፍ በተግባር ያረጋገጡ የመሆናቸው እውነት ፊታቸው ይናገራል። በተለይ ቢጫውን ጋዋን የለበሱ ኢንተርፕራይዞች ከፊታቸው የቆመውን ችግር በማለፍ፤ መሰላሉን በብዙ ውጣ ውረድ በመውጣት ከግባቸው የደረሱ ናቸው። በዕለቱ ተመርቀው ወደ መካከለኛ ኢንዱስትሪ መሸጋገራቸውን የሚያረጋግጡ የልማት ጀግኖች ናቸው። በነጭ ቲ ሸርት ላይ አረንጓዴውን መቀነት ወደ ጐን ያጠለቁትም ቢሆኑ ከኢንተርፕራይዝነት ወደ ሞዴል ኢንተርፕራይዝነት የተሸጋገሩ በመሆናቸው በደስታ ፈክተዋል።
የአዲስ አበባ ከተማ አስተዳደር ለበርካታ የጥቃቅንና አነስተኛ አንቀሳቃሶች የተለያዩ ድጋፎችን በማድረጉ በሺ የሚቆጠሩ የከተማ ነዋሪዎች በዘርፉ እንዲታቀፉ ማድረጉን መረጃዎች ያመለክታሉ። ከደቂቃ ሙት ውስጥ 250 ኢንተርፕራይዞች ወደ መካከለኛ ኢንዱስትሪ መሸጋገር የሚችሉበት ደረጃ ላይም መድረሳቸውን አረጋግጠዋል።
ከእነዚህ መካከል የዮሽ ኮንስትራክሽን ኢንተርፕራይዝ አንዱ ነው። ሥራ አስኪያጁ አቶ ዮሐንስ ይግለጡ እንደሚናገሩት የኢንተርፕራይዙ ካፒታል አምስት ሚሊዮን ደርሷል።
አቶ ዮሐንሰ እንደተናገሩት፤ ኩባንያቸውን ያቋቋሙት በ2000 ዓ.ም ነው። የተሰማሩበት ዘርፍ ኮንስትራክሽን ቴራዞንና የግንባታ ሥራዎች ነው። የቴራዞን ማሽኖችን እየሠሩም ለሌሎች ኢንተርፕራይዞችና ድርጅቶች ይሸጣሉ።
በጥቃቅንና አነስተኛ ተቋም ጀምረው ወደ መካከለኛ ኢንዱስትሪ በመሸጋገራቸው እድለኛ መሆናቸውን ይናገራሉ። አቶ ዮሐንስ እንደሚሉት፤ መንግሥት የተለያዩ ድጋፎችን አድርጐላቸዋል። በድጋፉም በእጅጉ ደስተኛ ናቸው። ከአዲስ ብድር ቁጠባ በተለያየ ጊዜ ብድር መውሰዳቸውንም አውግተውናል።
በተቋቋሙበት ወቅት «በምን ዓይነት ሥራ ብንሰማራ ውጤታማ መሆን እንችላለን ብለን በማሰባችን ለዛሬው ውጤት አብቅቶናል እድለኞች ነን» ይላሉ ሥራ አስኪያጁ። በወቅቱ በመረጡት የቴራዞን ዘርፍ ማንም ኢንተርፕራይዝ እንዳልነበር ያስታውሳሉ። እንዲያውም ሥራውን የሚሠሩ በቁጥር ሦስት አራት የሆኑ የመንግሥት ትልልቅ ተቋማት ብቻ እንደሆኑም ይናገራሉ።
እንደ ሥራ አስኪያጁ ገለፃ፣ ሥራውን በሚጀምሩበት ወቅት ብዙ ሰዎች ገበያ አታገኙም የሚል አስተያየት ይሠጧቸው ነበር። በርግጥ በወቅቱ የገበያ ሁኔታ ፈታኝ ሆኖባቸዋል። በተጨማሪም 'በጥቃቅንና አነስተኛ ሥራ እንዴት ይደፈራል?' ያሏቸው ወገኖችም አሉ።
«ያም ሆኖ መንግሥት የገበያውን ስጋት ትስስር በመፍጠር ያቃለለው ሲሆን፤ በዚህም የተሻለ ውጤት በማምጣታቸው ቤቶች ልማት ላይ ጥሩ ሥራዎችን አከናውነዋል። ኢንተርፕራይዛቸው በራሱ ካፒታል የድንጋይ 'ክርኤቸር ሳይት' ተጫርቶ ገዝቷል» ብለዋል አቶ ዮሐንስ።
ኢንተርፕራይዛቸው ወደ መካከለኛ ኢንዱስትሪ በመሸጋገሩ የሚያከናውናቸው ሰፋፊ ሥራዎች እንዳሉ ይጠቁማሉ። ለኤጀንሲው «የ20 ሚሊዮን 770 ሺ ብር ፕሮጀክት» አስጠንተው አቅርበዋል።
ቀደም ሲል በሚሠራው ሥራ ኢንተርፕራይዛቸው 47 ያህል ለሚሆኑ ሰዎች የሥራ ዕድል መፍጠሩን የተናገሩት ሥራ አስኪያጁ፤ ቴራዞን ማሽኖችን በክልል ደረጃም እየታዘዙ ይሰሩ እንደነበር ነው ያብራሩት።
አካ ኃላፊነቱ የተወሰነ የግል ማኅበር የተቋቋመው በ1997ዓ. ም ነው። የተሰማራበት የሥራ ዘርፍም በእንጨትና ብረታ ብረት ነው። የኢንተርፕራይዙ ባለቤትና ሥራ አስኪያጅ አቶ አብዲላሀዲ ዓሊ በበኩላቸው በመመረቃቸው ከፍተኛ ደስታ እንደተሰማቸው ይገልፃሉ።
በአሁኑ ወቅት ወደ መካከለኛ ኢንዱስትሪ ሊሸጋገሩ የቻሉት ከአምስት ሚሊዮን ብር በላይ ካፒታል በማድረሳቸው እንደሆነ የሚገልጹት አቶ አብዱላሀዲ፤ በኢንተርፕራይዛቸው ወደ 14 የሚሆኑ ሠራተኞች የሥራ ዕድል እንዳገኙ ይገልፃሉ።
አቶ አብዱላሀዲ እንደሚናገሩት፤ ሽግግሩ የሥራንም ትጋት የሚጠይቅ ነው። ወደፊት ሊሠሩ ያቀዱት የፓስታ፣ ማካሮኒ፣ ዱቄትና ብስኩት ፋብሪካ በመገንባት ነው። ይህም ለብዙዎች የሥራ ዕድል ለመፍጠር ይችላል። ለዚህም የ13 ሚሊዮን ብር ፕሮጀክት ቀርፀው ለኤጀንሲው አስገብተዋል። ሁሉ ነገር ከተመቻቸላቸው አንዲትም ቀን ሳያሳልፉ ሥራ ለመጀመር ያላቸውን ብቃት በልበ ሙሉነት ይናገራሉ። «ሁሉም ሰው ያለመታከት በትጋት ሥራውን የሚያከናውን ከሆነ በሚያጋጥመው ጥቃቅን መሰናክል አይበገርም» የሚል እምነት አላቸው።
በ2001 ዓ.ም የተቋቋመው የጋላክሲ ኮንስትራክሽን ኢንተርፕራይዝ የተሰማራው በኮንስትራክሽኑ ዘርፍ መሆኑን የማኅበሩ ሊቀ መንበር አቶ አወቀ ጐዳና ይገልፃሉ።
እንደ አቶ አወቀ ገለፃ፤ ኢንተርፕራይዙ ያስመዘገበው አንድ ነጥብ አምስት ሚሊዮን ብር ካፒታል ነው። አስራ አንድ አባላት አሉት። ከአባላቱ ውጪ በተለያዩ ኮንስትራክሽን ሥራ ውስጥ የሚሠሩ 106 የጉልበት ሠራተኞችና ሦስት ቋሚ ተቀጣሪዎች አሉት።
ቀደም ባሉ ጊዜያት ሥራቸውን ሲያከናወኑ በርካታ ማነቆዎች አጋጥሟቸው እንደነበር አቶ አወቀ ያስታውሳሉ። ሰው በተሰማራበት ሥራ በቁርጠኝነት የሚሠራ ከሆነ የሚያጋጥመውን እንቅፋት በትዕግስት ማለፍ ይችላል ይላሉ። ኢንተርፕራይዞችም ሆኑ ሞዴል ኢንተርፕራይዞች ሊያጋጥማቸው ለሚችል ማንኛውም ፈተና እጅ መስጠት እንደሌለባቸው በመግለፅ።
«ጥቂት የማይባሉ ፈተናዎችን አልፌ በመሥራቴ በጣም ደስተኛ ነን» ያሉት አቶ አወቀ፤ መንግሥት 'ሁሌም ከጐናችሁ ነኝ' ከማለትም ሌላ በተግባር በርካታ ድጋፎችን በማድረጉ አሁንም የስኬት ጉዞዬን አጠናክራለሁ ሲሉ ሀሳባቸውን አጋርተውናል።
ቀደም ሲል ይሠሩ የነበረበትን ዘርፍ በመለወጥ ወደ ግብርናው ለመግባት የ14 ሚሊዮን ብር ፕሮጀክት መንደፋቸውን ገልጸው፤ በተለይ ከብት አደልበው ወደ ውጭ ሀገር ለመላክ በተጓዳኝም ሌሎች ሥራዎችን ለመሥራት መዘጋጀታቸውን ነው ያብራሩት።
እንደ እርሳቸው አነጋገር የመመረቃቸው ፋይዳ ብዙ ነው። ጥቃቅንና አነስተኛ ኢንተርፕራይዝ ተቋም ከተወሰነ ጣሪያ በላይ ለመንቀሳቀስ ሕጉ አይፈቅድም። አሁን ግን ከምረቃው በኋላ በተሰጣቸው እውቅና የተሻለ ነገር ለመሥራት ያስችላቸዋል። «ኢንቨስትመንት ውስጥ መግባት በራሱ ቀላል ነገር አይደለም። ይሁንና ያለፈውን ውጣ ውረድ ያለፍኩበትን ጥበብና ትጋት እንደ ተሞክሮ በመውሰድ በቀጣይም የተሻለ ነገር ለመሥራት በግንባር ቀደምትነት ለመንቀሳቀስ ዝግጁ ነን» ብለዋል።
ራዕይ ቅዱስ ሚካኤል ኮንስትራክሽን ኢንተርፕራይዝ ከአንድ ነጥብ ስድስት ሚሊዮን ብር በላይ ካፒታል እንዳለው የሚናገሩት ሊቀመንበሩ አቶ ሰለሞን ንጉሴ ናቸው። በ1997 ዓ.ም የተቋቋመው ኢንተርፕራይዛቸው የተሰማራበት ዘርፍ በእንጨትና ብረታ ብረታ እንደሆነ አመልክተው፤ የሚያመርተውም እንደ ብሎኬትና ፕሪካስት ዓይነት ምርቶች እንደሆነ ጠቁመዋል።
ሥራውን ሲጀምሩ በሁለት ሺ ብር እንደሆነ የሚያስታውሱት ሊቀመንበሩ፤ በአሁኑ ወቅት ከ30 የማያንሱ ሠራተኞች የሥራ አድል እንደተፈጠረላቸው ይናገራሉ። ከእነዚህ መካከል አምስቱ ቋሚ ሠራተኞች ናቸው ብለዋል።
ሊቀመንበሩ የወደፊት እቅዳቸውን ሲገልጹ ያሉበትን ዘርፍ በማጠናከር ዝግጅታቸውን አጠናቀዋል። በተለይ ትልልቅ ፋብሪካዎችን ለመገንባት አቅደዋል።
«ማንኛውም ሥራ ፈላጊ ሰው ሥራ ሳያማርጥ መሥራት አለበት» የሚል እምነት እንዳላቸው አቶ ሰለሞን ገልጸው፤ ሥራ ማማረጥ ግን የቀረ አሊያም የኋላቀርነት መገለጫ አድርገው እንደሚወስዱ ነው የተናገሩት።
በዕለቱ ወደ መካከለኛ ኢንዱስትሪ የተሸጋገሩትን ኢንተርፕራይዞች የመረቋቸው የኢፌዴሪ ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር አቶ መለስ ዜናዊ ሲሆኑ፤ በዘርፉ የተማረ የሰው ኃይል በተለይም ከከፍተኛ የትምህርት ተቋም ተመርቀው የሚወጡ ወጣቶች እንዲሁም ሴቶች ሊሳተፉበት ይገባል ሲሉ ነው ያስገነዘቡት።
ለዘርፉ የተሻለ አመለካከት ያላቸው የልማት ጉዞአቸው ስኬታማ ሆኖ እነሆ ሰሞኑን ለመሸለም እና ለመመረቅ በቅተዋል፡፡ ከአዲስ አበባ አነስተኛና ጥቃቅንና ኢንተርፕራዝ ልማት ኤጀንሲው በተገኘ መረጃ መሠረት ከ20 ሺ ጥቃቅንና አነስተኛ ኢንተርፕራይዝ መካከል 400 ያህሉ ከ200 ሺ ብር በላይ ካፒታል በማስመዝገባቸው የተሸለሙ ሲሆን፤ ከአንድ ነጥብ አምስት ሚሊዮን እስከ 20 ሚሊዮን ብር ካፒታል ያስመዘገቡ ደግሞ ተመርቀው ወደ መካከለኛ ኢንዱስትሪ በመሸጋገራቸው ልማታዊ ባለ ሀብት ተፈጥሯል።
Platinum Exports Earn Ethiopia Unplanned $10,965
Yubdo Gold & Platinum (Yubdo Platinum), a United Kingdom (UK) based company, was the sole platinum miner in Ethiopia. The small-scale operation annually produced an average of 2.8kg from western Ethiopia at a site located 460km from the capital in Oromia Regional State.
“The company exported only 12kg of platinum during three years of operation, so it pulled out,” Tamrat explained.
This left the site, from which individuals have been obtaining the platinum, open. However, the area has since been cordoned off, pending an investigation by the ministry into how best to extract it.
“If it is found that traditional methods can be used to extract the platinum, we will establish mining associations,” Tamrat said. “Otherwise, the ministry plans to use mechanised mining methods to extract it.”
While there are no associations extracting platinum, there are more than150 engaged in mining gold.
The ministry has sold 5,815kg of gold worth of 4.1 billion Br to National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE) over the past 10 months, more than the 3,616kg it initially planned to sell for the year.
With 2,045kg, 1,517kg, and 1,127kg, Oromia, Tigray, and Benishangul-Gumuz regional states were the top gold producers, respec over the past 10 months. Gold is also mined in Gambella, Southern, and Amhara regional states.
During the first six months of the fiscal year, MoM sold 3,942.2kg of gold to NBE, while it had planned to sell 2,703.3kg. As a result, it revised its annual plan in March 2011 to sell 4,606kg, an increase of 990kg that has already been achieved.
“The performance of the ministry was positively affected by the rise in the international price of gold, which encouraged people to engage in gold extraction,” Tamrat told Fortune.
The global average price of an ounce of gold was 1,478.30 dollars in 2010 while it stood at 1,510.90 dollars on Friday, May 20, 2011.
The rise in the international price is attributed by an economic expert to investors putting their money in assets other than the dollar.
Gold is Ethiopia’s third largest export commodity after coffee and oil seeds.
A total of 281 million dollars worth of gold was exported to Switzerland and South Africa, the only importers of Ethiopia’s gold, in 2009/10, according to research conducted by Access Capital. Out of the total, Switzerland imported 211.2 million dollars, the research showed.
The purchase of gold by Swiss banks in line with a worldwide pattern in gold trade between commercial or central banks that has contributed to the increase in gold exports, according to the expert.
The government plans to increase its gold exports from 3,907kg in 2009/10 to 8,700kg in five years’ time, an increment of 122pc.
For the past two years, NBE has been adding five per cent to the international market price when buying gold from miners in order to discourage its sale on the black market, according to Tamrat.
An independent unit responsible for gold transactions was also established in September 2010.
MoM used to perform geological tests on the metal produced for sale by miners to determine its authenticity. However, following the scandal in 2008 when the central bank bought alleged fake gold for 158 million Br, the bank started conducting the tests itself.
This decreased fraud and contributed to the ministry’s increased performance, according to Tamrat.
The hearing of a group of individuals charged by the Federal Ethics and Anti-corruption Commission (FEAC) for the sale is being heard by the Federal High Court, First Criminal Bench. Among the accused are four brothers: Kaf Mohammed, owner of Sofam Fashion; Sultan Mohammed, owner of Day & Night Multichoice Boutique; Fuad Mohammed, owner of WOW Fashion; and Nuredin Mohammed, owner of Nur Building.
Aside from gold, the ministry also exported precious stones and tantalum that, along with the platinum, amounted to two billion Birr over the past 10 months. It had initially aimed to export 7,315kg of precious stones and 105tn of tantalum this year.
During the first six months, it exported precious stones and tantalum worth 171.7 million dollars. While MoM had planned on 3,104kg and 43tn, it exported 6312.4kg and 85.6tn of precious stones and tantalum, respectively.
All the minerals were extracted using traditional mining methods. Like platinum, tantalum is extracted only in Oromia Regional State, while precious stones is mined in Amhara, Oromia, and Somali regional states.
“The company exported only 12kg of platinum during three years of operation, so it pulled out,” Tamrat explained.
This left the site, from which individuals have been obtaining the platinum, open. However, the area has since been cordoned off, pending an investigation by the ministry into how best to extract it.
“If it is found that traditional methods can be used to extract the platinum, we will establish mining associations,” Tamrat said. “Otherwise, the ministry plans to use mechanised mining methods to extract it.”
While there are no associations extracting platinum, there are more than150 engaged in mining gold.
The ministry has sold 5,815kg of gold worth of 4.1 billion Br to National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE) over the past 10 months, more than the 3,616kg it initially planned to sell for the year.
With 2,045kg, 1,517kg, and 1,127kg, Oromia, Tigray, and Benishangul-Gumuz regional states were the top gold producers, respec over the past 10 months. Gold is also mined in Gambella, Southern, and Amhara regional states.
During the first six months of the fiscal year, MoM sold 3,942.2kg of gold to NBE, while it had planned to sell 2,703.3kg. As a result, it revised its annual plan in March 2011 to sell 4,606kg, an increase of 990kg that has already been achieved.
“The performance of the ministry was positively affected by the rise in the international price of gold, which encouraged people to engage in gold extraction,” Tamrat told Fortune.
The global average price of an ounce of gold was 1,478.30 dollars in 2010 while it stood at 1,510.90 dollars on Friday, May 20, 2011.
The rise in the international price is attributed by an economic expert to investors putting their money in assets other than the dollar.
Gold is Ethiopia’s third largest export commodity after coffee and oil seeds.
A total of 281 million dollars worth of gold was exported to Switzerland and South Africa, the only importers of Ethiopia’s gold, in 2009/10, according to research conducted by Access Capital. Out of the total, Switzerland imported 211.2 million dollars, the research showed.
The purchase of gold by Swiss banks in line with a worldwide pattern in gold trade between commercial or central banks that has contributed to the increase in gold exports, according to the expert.
The government plans to increase its gold exports from 3,907kg in 2009/10 to 8,700kg in five years’ time, an increment of 122pc.
For the past two years, NBE has been adding five per cent to the international market price when buying gold from miners in order to discourage its sale on the black market, according to Tamrat.
An independent unit responsible for gold transactions was also established in September 2010.
MoM used to perform geological tests on the metal produced for sale by miners to determine its authenticity. However, following the scandal in 2008 when the central bank bought alleged fake gold for 158 million Br, the bank started conducting the tests itself.
This decreased fraud and contributed to the ministry’s increased performance, according to Tamrat.
The hearing of a group of individuals charged by the Federal Ethics and Anti-corruption Commission (FEAC) for the sale is being heard by the Federal High Court, First Criminal Bench. Among the accused are four brothers: Kaf Mohammed, owner of Sofam Fashion; Sultan Mohammed, owner of Day & Night Multichoice Boutique; Fuad Mohammed, owner of WOW Fashion; and Nuredin Mohammed, owner of Nur Building.
Aside from gold, the ministry also exported precious stones and tantalum that, along with the platinum, amounted to two billion Birr over the past 10 months. It had initially aimed to export 7,315kg of precious stones and 105tn of tantalum this year.
During the first six months, it exported precious stones and tantalum worth 171.7 million dollars. While MoM had planned on 3,104kg and 43tn, it exported 6312.4kg and 85.6tn of precious stones and tantalum, respectively.
All the minerals were extracted using traditional mining methods. Like platinum, tantalum is extracted only in Oromia Regional State, while precious stones is mined in Amhara, Oromia, and Somali regional states.
Corporation exceeds year’s goal of 3.9bn Br in revenues from sugar sales
State’s Sugar Earns 4.1bn Br in Nine Months
The Ethiopian Sugar Corporation (ESC) earned 4.1 billion Br from the sale of 314,946tn of sugar over the past nine months, exceeding its goal of 3.9 billion Br in revenues. The corporation’s ethanol sales reached 48 million Br, up from 8.5 million Br projected in September 2010.
However, the industry suffers from inefficiency and improper budgeting, according to Abay Tsehaye, director general of the corporation, who unveiled plans to revamp Ethiopia’s fledgling sugar industry to Parliament’s standing committee on industry affairs on May 11, 2011.
“For the past five years, project study designs, budget allocations, recruitment of manpower to open project offices, and the onsite execution of projects have stayed the same, with little or no progress,” Abay told the standing committee.
Wonji Shoa, Metahara, and Finchaa Sugar Factory, the country’s operational state owned sugar factories, have an annual production capacity of 2.8 million quintals.
In a bid to meet sugar shortages in the local market, the government imported 130,000tn of sugar last year and plans to import 80,000tn this fiscal year.
The implementation of reforms and poor budgeting had delayed the corporation’s progress, but with a little time Ethiopia could meet its five-year sugar development goals, Abay claimed.
Ethiopia plans to have 2.5pc of the world’s sugar market in five years.
The strategic plan envisions building eight new sugar factories in the set period. At the start of production, these will have an aggregate annual production of 2.2 million tonnes, according to the GTP.
In July 2007, India and Ethiopia agreed on a 640 million dollar credit line for the construction of Tendaho Sugar Factory.
Tendaho and the expansion of existing factories were singled out by Abay, who was appointed as head of the corporation at its establishment in September 2010, for having shown little progress.
“The projects have shown retarded progress coupled with wastages in the budget,” he said. “Several complex land rights issues between pastoralists and the regional authorities at the Tendaho and Wolenchiti sites have remained unresolved. The delays in the projects have not only created unnecessary expenditures but also losses in potential revenues that could have been earned had they been operational.”
The corporation has finalised assessments on the shortcomings of the sector and proposed modernising measures to raise productivity and efficiency, the director general, who is a minister without a portfolio, told the committee in his two-hour report.
A revamp of the sector’s manpower is essential and appointments must be made on competency, according to Abay. He also proposed the implementation of fast tracked business process reengineering (BPR) supported with constant training to help improve the state of affairs in the sector.
It was for this reason that factory workers were refused the salary increment they requested.
“We sat down with the labour unions and discussed why the time for that is not now, and why it is not necessary,” Abay said. “When we have achieved something and are more competent, we will provide what is required.”
The rise in prices of fuel, spare parts, cement, and fertilisers made a dent in the sector’s budget, while wastages also presented a problem to the sector’s overall performance, according to the report.
The very existence of the factories has been threatened by increasing production costs and the necessity to employ excessive manpower, Abay claimed.
“Consolidation is in progress,” said Dereje Gutema, deputy director of planning at the ESC. “The corporation views potential for growth as evidence of the long-term attractiveness of this sector in Ethiopia. If we are going to become global players, we must lower production costs and boost production capacity.”
The Ethiopian Sugar Corporation (ESC) earned 4.1 billion Br from the sale of 314,946tn of sugar over the past nine months, exceeding its goal of 3.9 billion Br in revenues. The corporation’s ethanol sales reached 48 million Br, up from 8.5 million Br projected in September 2010.
However, the industry suffers from inefficiency and improper budgeting, according to Abay Tsehaye, director general of the corporation, who unveiled plans to revamp Ethiopia’s fledgling sugar industry to Parliament’s standing committee on industry affairs on May 11, 2011.
“For the past five years, project study designs, budget allocations, recruitment of manpower to open project offices, and the onsite execution of projects have stayed the same, with little or no progress,” Abay told the standing committee.
Wonji Shoa, Metahara, and Finchaa Sugar Factory, the country’s operational state owned sugar factories, have an annual production capacity of 2.8 million quintals.
In a bid to meet sugar shortages in the local market, the government imported 130,000tn of sugar last year and plans to import 80,000tn this fiscal year.
The implementation of reforms and poor budgeting had delayed the corporation’s progress, but with a little time Ethiopia could meet its five-year sugar development goals, Abay claimed.
Ethiopia plans to have 2.5pc of the world’s sugar market in five years.
The strategic plan envisions building eight new sugar factories in the set period. At the start of production, these will have an aggregate annual production of 2.2 million tonnes, according to the GTP.
In July 2007, India and Ethiopia agreed on a 640 million dollar credit line for the construction of Tendaho Sugar Factory.
Tendaho and the expansion of existing factories were singled out by Abay, who was appointed as head of the corporation at its establishment in September 2010, for having shown little progress.
“The projects have shown retarded progress coupled with wastages in the budget,” he said. “Several complex land rights issues between pastoralists and the regional authorities at the Tendaho and Wolenchiti sites have remained unresolved. The delays in the projects have not only created unnecessary expenditures but also losses in potential revenues that could have been earned had they been operational.”
The corporation has finalised assessments on the shortcomings of the sector and proposed modernising measures to raise productivity and efficiency, the director general, who is a minister without a portfolio, told the committee in his two-hour report.
A revamp of the sector’s manpower is essential and appointments must be made on competency, according to Abay. He also proposed the implementation of fast tracked business process reengineering (BPR) supported with constant training to help improve the state of affairs in the sector.
It was for this reason that factory workers were refused the salary increment they requested.
“We sat down with the labour unions and discussed why the time for that is not now, and why it is not necessary,” Abay said. “When we have achieved something and are more competent, we will provide what is required.”
The rise in prices of fuel, spare parts, cement, and fertilisers made a dent in the sector’s budget, while wastages also presented a problem to the sector’s overall performance, according to the report.
The very existence of the factories has been threatened by increasing production costs and the necessity to employ excessive manpower, Abay claimed.
“Consolidation is in progress,” said Dereje Gutema, deputy director of planning at the ESC. “The corporation views potential for growth as evidence of the long-term attractiveness of this sector in Ethiopia. If we are going to become global players, we must lower production costs and boost production capacity.”
Ethiopian MoM(Ministry Of Mines) sells 4.1 billion Br of gold in 10 months, more than 4,606kg planned for year
Platinum Exports Earn Country Unplanned $10,965
The Ministry of Mines (MoM) earned 10,965 dollars from the export of 640 grams of platinum over the past 10 months, the extraction of which was unplanned. “There is no one engaged in formal platinum extraction in Ethiopia,” Tamrat Mojo, head of traditional mines manufacturing and transactions at MoM, told Fortune. “As a result, we did not expect to export any.”
The platinum was obtained from individuals who used traditional mining methods to extract the metal.
“The platinum was not extracted with modern mining techniques,” Tamrat said. “As a result, it was not washed as well as it would be with machines, causing it to fetch a lower price than it otherwise might have.”
Yubdo Gold & Platinum (Yubdo Platinum), a United Kingdom (UK) based company, was the sole platinum miner in Ethiopia. The small-scale operation annually produced an average of 2.8kg from western Ethiopia at a site located 460km from the capital in Oromia Regional State.
“The company exported only 12kg of platinum during three years of operation, so it pulled out,” Tamrat explained.
This left the site, from which individuals have been obtaining the platinum, open. However, the area has since been cordoned off, pending an investigation by the ministry into how best to extract it.
“If it is found that traditional methods can be used to extract the platinum, we will establish mining associations,” Tamrat said. “Otherwise, the ministry plans to use mechanised mining methods to extract it.”
While there are no associations extracting platinum, there are more than150 engaged in mining gold.
The ministry has sold 5,815kg of gold worth of 4.1 billion Br to National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE) over the past 10 months, more than the 3,616kg it initially planned to sell for the year.
With 2,045kg, 1,517kg, and 1,127kg, Oromia, Tigray, and Benishangul-Gumuz regional states were the top gold producers, respec over the past 10 months. Gold is also mined in Gambella, Southern, and Amhara regional states.
During the first six months of the fiscal year, MoM sold 3,942.2kg of gold to NBE, while it had planned to sell 2,703.3kg. As a result, it revised its annual plan in March 2011 to sell 4,606kg, an increase of 990kg that has already been achieved.
“The performance of the ministry was positively affected by the rise in the international price of gold, which encouraged people to engage in gold extraction,” Tamrat told Fortune.
The global average price of an ounce of gold was 1,478.30 dollars in 2010 while it stood at 1,510.90 dollars on Friday, May 20, 2011.
The rise in the international price is attributed by an economic expert to investors putting their money in assets other than the dollar.
Gold is Ethiopia’s third largest export commodity after coffee and oil seeds.
A total of 281 million dollars worth of gold was exported to Switzerland and South Africa, the only importers of Ethiopia’s gold, in 2009/10, according to research conducted by Access Capital. Out of the total, Switzerland imported 211.2 million dollars, the research showed.
The purchase of gold by Swiss banks in line with a worldwide pattern in gold trade between commercial or central banks that has contributed to the increase in gold exports, according to the expert.
The government plans to increase its gold exports from 3,907kg in 2009/10 to 8,700kg in five years’ time, an increment of 122pc.
For the past two years, NBE has been adding five per cent to the international market price when buying gold from miners in order to discourage its sale on the black market, according to Tamrat.
An independent unit responsible for gold transactions was also established in September 2010.
MoM used to perform geological tests on the metal produced for sale by miners to determine its authenticity. However, following the scandal in 2008 when the central bank bought alleged fake gold for 158 million Br, the bank started conducting the tests itself.
This decreased fraud and contributed to the ministry’s increased performance, according to Tamrat.
The hearing of a group of individuals charged by the Federal Ethics and Anti-corruption Commission (FEAC) for the sale is being heard by the Federal High Court, First Criminal Bench. Among the accused are four brothers: Kaf Mohammed, owner of Sofam Fashion; Sultan Mohammed, owner of Day & Night Multichoice Boutique; Fuad Mohammed, owner of WOW Fashion; and Nuredin Mohammed, owner of Nur Building.
Aside from gold, the ministry also exported precious stones and tantalum that, along with the platinum, amounted to two billion Birr over the past 10 months. It had initially aimed to export 7,315kg of precious stones and 105tn of tantalum this year.
During the first six months, it exported precious stones and tantalum worth 171.7 million dollars. While MoM had planned on 3,104kg and 43tn, it exported 6312.4kg and 85.6tn of precious stones and tantalum, respectively.
All the minerals were extracted using traditional mining methods. Like platinum, tantalum is extracted only in Oromia Regional State, while precious stones is mined in Amhara, Oromia, and Somali regional states.
The Ministry of Mines (MoM) earned 10,965 dollars from the export of 640 grams of platinum over the past 10 months, the extraction of which was unplanned. “There is no one engaged in formal platinum extraction in Ethiopia,” Tamrat Mojo, head of traditional mines manufacturing and transactions at MoM, told Fortune. “As a result, we did not expect to export any.”
The platinum was obtained from individuals who used traditional mining methods to extract the metal.
“The platinum was not extracted with modern mining techniques,” Tamrat said. “As a result, it was not washed as well as it would be with machines, causing it to fetch a lower price than it otherwise might have.”
Yubdo Gold & Platinum (Yubdo Platinum), a United Kingdom (UK) based company, was the sole platinum miner in Ethiopia. The small-scale operation annually produced an average of 2.8kg from western Ethiopia at a site located 460km from the capital in Oromia Regional State.
“The company exported only 12kg of platinum during three years of operation, so it pulled out,” Tamrat explained.
This left the site, from which individuals have been obtaining the platinum, open. However, the area has since been cordoned off, pending an investigation by the ministry into how best to extract it.
“If it is found that traditional methods can be used to extract the platinum, we will establish mining associations,” Tamrat said. “Otherwise, the ministry plans to use mechanised mining methods to extract it.”
While there are no associations extracting platinum, there are more than150 engaged in mining gold.
The ministry has sold 5,815kg of gold worth of 4.1 billion Br to National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE) over the past 10 months, more than the 3,616kg it initially planned to sell for the year.
With 2,045kg, 1,517kg, and 1,127kg, Oromia, Tigray, and Benishangul-Gumuz regional states were the top gold producers, respec over the past 10 months. Gold is also mined in Gambella, Southern, and Amhara regional states.
During the first six months of the fiscal year, MoM sold 3,942.2kg of gold to NBE, while it had planned to sell 2,703.3kg. As a result, it revised its annual plan in March 2011 to sell 4,606kg, an increase of 990kg that has already been achieved.
“The performance of the ministry was positively affected by the rise in the international price of gold, which encouraged people to engage in gold extraction,” Tamrat told Fortune.
The global average price of an ounce of gold was 1,478.30 dollars in 2010 while it stood at 1,510.90 dollars on Friday, May 20, 2011.
The rise in the international price is attributed by an economic expert to investors putting their money in assets other than the dollar.
Gold is Ethiopia’s third largest export commodity after coffee and oil seeds.
A total of 281 million dollars worth of gold was exported to Switzerland and South Africa, the only importers of Ethiopia’s gold, in 2009/10, according to research conducted by Access Capital. Out of the total, Switzerland imported 211.2 million dollars, the research showed.
The purchase of gold by Swiss banks in line with a worldwide pattern in gold trade between commercial or central banks that has contributed to the increase in gold exports, according to the expert.
The government plans to increase its gold exports from 3,907kg in 2009/10 to 8,700kg in five years’ time, an increment of 122pc.
For the past two years, NBE has been adding five per cent to the international market price when buying gold from miners in order to discourage its sale on the black market, according to Tamrat.
An independent unit responsible for gold transactions was also established in September 2010.
MoM used to perform geological tests on the metal produced for sale by miners to determine its authenticity. However, following the scandal in 2008 when the central bank bought alleged fake gold for 158 million Br, the bank started conducting the tests itself.
This decreased fraud and contributed to the ministry’s increased performance, according to Tamrat.
The hearing of a group of individuals charged by the Federal Ethics and Anti-corruption Commission (FEAC) for the sale is being heard by the Federal High Court, First Criminal Bench. Among the accused are four brothers: Kaf Mohammed, owner of Sofam Fashion; Sultan Mohammed, owner of Day & Night Multichoice Boutique; Fuad Mohammed, owner of WOW Fashion; and Nuredin Mohammed, owner of Nur Building.
Aside from gold, the ministry also exported precious stones and tantalum that, along with the platinum, amounted to two billion Birr over the past 10 months. It had initially aimed to export 7,315kg of precious stones and 105tn of tantalum this year.
During the first six months, it exported precious stones and tantalum worth 171.7 million dollars. While MoM had planned on 3,104kg and 43tn, it exported 6312.4kg and 85.6tn of precious stones and tantalum, respectively.
All the minerals were extracted using traditional mining methods. Like platinum, tantalum is extracted only in Oromia Regional State, while precious stones is mined in Amhara, Oromia, and Somali regional states.
Eritrea opposes South Sudan, Kenya may recognize Somaliland
Addis Ababa, May 23, 2011 (WIC) - The Somaliland Press claims that Kenya is preparing to recognize Somaliland’s independence, which would create another new country in the horn of Africa.
“Kenyan Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs Richard Onyonka said during an event held in Nairobi to commemorate Somaliland’s 20th anniversary of Independence that his country will support Somaliland as an independent state” reported Somaliland Press and Iran's Press TV. Kenyans who have called for their government to recognize Hargeisa argue that Somaliland would help stabilize the region and stop Somalia’s expansionism dreams into Kenya and into Ethiopia’s eastern regions with Somali ethnic populations. Since Somaliland’s ally Ethiopia cannot become the first African country to recognize Somaliland, analysts have often maintained that Kenya and Uganda will be the first nations to officially acknowledge Somaliland as a sovereign country.
Meanwhile, sources in Ethiopia claim that Eritrea’s President Isaias Afewerki is gathering anti-SouthSudan forces together even before South Sudan officially becomes a country. The Juba government in South Sudan will form an independent state on July 9, 2011 which will create the youngest country in Africa. However, Eritrea wants to remain the youngest country in Africa. President Isaias often justifies not having elections in Asmara and the lack of economic progress in Eritrea with the pretext that Eritrea is still the youngest country.
According to the source, Eritrean President Isaias Afawerki has a unique foreign policy of collecting anti-government forces from countries in the horn of Africa (Somalia, Ethiopia, Djibouti, South Sudan, Somaliland and Sudan) in order to be relevant and have influence in the region. By creating instability inside its neighbors, the Eritrean government often uses its ability to mediate negotiations to restore stability among its neighbors as a leverage in its foreign relations with countries in the horn of Africa. Eritrea wants to have leverage against the new Juba government since South Sudan has a long border with Ethiopia that can be used to infiltrate opponents of the Addis Ababa government.
Since it became a country, Eritrea has been involved in conflicts with Djibouti, Ethiopia, Yemen, Sudan and in Somalia.
“Kenyan Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs Richard Onyonka said during an event held in Nairobi to commemorate Somaliland’s 20th anniversary of Independence that his country will support Somaliland as an independent state” reported Somaliland Press and Iran's Press TV. Kenyans who have called for their government to recognize Hargeisa argue that Somaliland would help stabilize the region and stop Somalia’s expansionism dreams into Kenya and into Ethiopia’s eastern regions with Somali ethnic populations. Since Somaliland’s ally Ethiopia cannot become the first African country to recognize Somaliland, analysts have often maintained that Kenya and Uganda will be the first nations to officially acknowledge Somaliland as a sovereign country.
Meanwhile, sources in Ethiopia claim that Eritrea’s President Isaias Afewerki is gathering anti-SouthSudan forces together even before South Sudan officially becomes a country. The Juba government in South Sudan will form an independent state on July 9, 2011 which will create the youngest country in Africa. However, Eritrea wants to remain the youngest country in Africa. President Isaias often justifies not having elections in Asmara and the lack of economic progress in Eritrea with the pretext that Eritrea is still the youngest country.
According to the source, Eritrean President Isaias Afawerki has a unique foreign policy of collecting anti-government forces from countries in the horn of Africa (Somalia, Ethiopia, Djibouti, South Sudan, Somaliland and Sudan) in order to be relevant and have influence in the region. By creating instability inside its neighbors, the Eritrean government often uses its ability to mediate negotiations to restore stability among its neighbors as a leverage in its foreign relations with countries in the horn of Africa. Eritrea wants to have leverage against the new Juba government since South Sudan has a long border with Ethiopia that can be used to infiltrate opponents of the Addis Ababa government.
Since it became a country, Eritrea has been involved in conflicts with Djibouti, Ethiopia, Yemen, Sudan and in Somalia.
Ethiopia seeks more investment from India
Addis Ababa, May 23 (WIC) – Hailemariam Desalegn, Deputy Prime Minister and Minster of Foreign Affairs said that Ethiopia seeks more collaboration with India in the areas of ICT and agricultural technologies.
In an exclusive interview with WIC, Hailemariam said that India is best known for its ICT and agricultural technologies for which Ethiopia has a great potential. He said that it will be easy for Indian investors to come to Ethiopia due to the deep rooted people to people relation between the two countries.
“We have a long history of getting along with each other,” Hailemariam said. “If we counterpart with India, it will be easy for us to come out in the world economy,” Hailemariam told WIC.
According to the Ministry of Trade (MoT), in recent years total trade exchange between Ethiopia and India has shown a 21 percent increase in average per annum while imports from India has shown an increase of 22 percent. India’s overall investment in Africa has also reached 33 billion dollars.
“Africa is becoming stable and democracy is flourishing in many African countries,” Hailemariam said. “Emerging powers such as India and China are aware they can harness Africa’s comparative advantage in untapped natural resources and young cheap labor”.
According to Hailemariam, compared to Europe and America, who were hardly hit by the financial crisis, the emerging powers with their strong saving culture, have enough money to come and invest in Africa.
Admitting that Ethiopia has not attracted European investors as much as it should, the deputy prime minister underscored the importance of promoting investment opportunities in Ethiopia to European and North American countries.
With such objective in mind the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in collaboration with the British Embassy in Ethiopia and Wafa Marketing and Promotion Plc, are finalizing preparations to organize Ethio-UK Investment Forum in London in June 2011.
“We need to diversify the investment in our country,” Hailemariam said. “We have to go to Europe and North America and attract FDI from those areas”.
With a view to harnessing Ethiopia’s investment potential, Hailemariam said that his government is working to modernize the overall working system.
“We are working to make the bureaucratic bottleneck easier for investors,” Hailemariam told WIC.
In an exclusive interview with WIC, Hailemariam said that India is best known for its ICT and agricultural technologies for which Ethiopia has a great potential. He said that it will be easy for Indian investors to come to Ethiopia due to the deep rooted people to people relation between the two countries.
“We have a long history of getting along with each other,” Hailemariam said. “If we counterpart with India, it will be easy for us to come out in the world economy,” Hailemariam told WIC.
According to the Ministry of Trade (MoT), in recent years total trade exchange between Ethiopia and India has shown a 21 percent increase in average per annum while imports from India has shown an increase of 22 percent. India’s overall investment in Africa has also reached 33 billion dollars.
“Africa is becoming stable and democracy is flourishing in many African countries,” Hailemariam said. “Emerging powers such as India and China are aware they can harness Africa’s comparative advantage in untapped natural resources and young cheap labor”.
According to Hailemariam, compared to Europe and America, who were hardly hit by the financial crisis, the emerging powers with their strong saving culture, have enough money to come and invest in Africa.
Admitting that Ethiopia has not attracted European investors as much as it should, the deputy prime minister underscored the importance of promoting investment opportunities in Ethiopia to European and North American countries.
With such objective in mind the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in collaboration with the British Embassy in Ethiopia and Wafa Marketing and Promotion Plc, are finalizing preparations to organize Ethio-UK Investment Forum in London in June 2011.
“We need to diversify the investment in our country,” Hailemariam said. “We have to go to Europe and North America and attract FDI from those areas”.
With a view to harnessing Ethiopia’s investment potential, Hailemariam said that his government is working to modernize the overall working system.
“We are working to make the bureaucratic bottleneck easier for investors,” Hailemariam told WIC.
PM arrives in Addis Ababa for Africa-India Forum Summit
Addis Ababa, May 23, 2011 (WIC): Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today arrived Ethiopia for the second India-Africa Forum Summit and a six-day visit to Ethiopia and Tanzania to step up bilateral ties.
Singh will co-chair the Summit with the President of Equatorial Guinea, Obiang Nguema Mbasogo in his current capacity as chairperson of the AU. The leaders will discuss significant aspects of the India-Africa partnership with the objective of enhancing and widening its ambit for mutual benefit. The Summit is expected to come out with the Addis Ababa Declaration setting out the roadmap for further consolidating the strategic partnership between India and the African Union. An Africa-India Framework for Enhanced Cooperation will also be firmed up at the Summit.
In his departure statement in New Delhi , Singh said that the India-Africa partnership rests on three pillars of capacity building and skill transfer, trade and infrastructure development.
"It (India-Africa Forum) is designed to respond to the needs and priorities of Africa and for India to learn from Africa's rich experience. It is based on equality, mutual trust and a consultative and transparent approach. It is a living embodiment of South-South cooperation," he said.
The Second Africa-India Forum Summit here will be a landmark event that will for the first time bring together a large gathering of African leaders to meet with India on African soil.
"Today, both Africa and India are on the move. Africa is emerging as a new growth pole of the world, while India is on a path of sustained and rapid economic development.
Relations between India and Africa are marked by strong people-to-people interaction and a deep sense of solidarity and goodwill.
On Tanzania, he said India has excellent political and economic relations with them, which date back to the days of Julius Nyerere and the Nonaligned Movement.
"Our cooperation has expanded in recent years in diverse sectors. We wish to enhance the substance of this partnership in consonance with the developmental priorities of Tanzania. I look forward to my discussions with President Jakaya Kikwete to this end," he said. (
Singh will co-chair the Summit with the President of Equatorial Guinea, Obiang Nguema Mbasogo in his current capacity as chairperson of the AU. The leaders will discuss significant aspects of the India-Africa partnership with the objective of enhancing and widening its ambit for mutual benefit. The Summit is expected to come out with the Addis Ababa Declaration setting out the roadmap for further consolidating the strategic partnership between India and the African Union. An Africa-India Framework for Enhanced Cooperation will also be firmed up at the Summit.
In his departure statement in New Delhi , Singh said that the India-Africa partnership rests on three pillars of capacity building and skill transfer, trade and infrastructure development.
"It (India-Africa Forum) is designed to respond to the needs and priorities of Africa and for India to learn from Africa's rich experience. It is based on equality, mutual trust and a consultative and transparent approach. It is a living embodiment of South-South cooperation," he said.
The Second Africa-India Forum Summit here will be a landmark event that will for the first time bring together a large gathering of African leaders to meet with India on African soil.
"Today, both Africa and India are on the move. Africa is emerging as a new growth pole of the world, while India is on a path of sustained and rapid economic development.
Relations between India and Africa are marked by strong people-to-people interaction and a deep sense of solidarity and goodwill.
On Tanzania, he said India has excellent political and economic relations with them, which date back to the days of Julius Nyerere and the Nonaligned Movement.
"Our cooperation has expanded in recent years in diverse sectors. We wish to enhance the substance of this partnership in consonance with the developmental priorities of Tanzania. I look forward to my discussions with President Jakaya Kikwete to this end," he said. (
Sunday, May 22, 2011
President Isaias rejects independence for South Sudan
Sunday, 22 May 2011-In its May 20, 2011 “A Week in the Horn” report, Ministry of Foreign Affaiers raised issues on The 2nd India Africa Forum Summit opens next week, The Fourth UN Conference on Least Developed Countries, Somalia: The continued split in the TFIs, AUHIP hosts another round of Sudan talks, President Isaias rejects independence for South Sudan and A Sudanese delegation looks at Ethiopia’s poverty reduction strategies.. Read more..
PM Meles pledges support to SMEs
Addis Ababa, May 22 (WIC) – Prime Minister Meles Zenawi said that the government would extend its support to small and micro enterprises (SMEs). Some 250 enterprises whose capital exceeded from 1.5 million birr were transferred to medium-scale industries at a ceremony held at the Prime Minister’s office on Friday, May 21, 2011.
Prime Minister Meles on the occasion said that the government would continue to support SMEs as they are engine of economic growth and employment creation. "The government would also provide all-round supports that match with their levels to those enterprises advanced to medium-scale industry today," he said.
In addition to creating immense job opportunities, SMEs are foundation for big industries and development investors, the primer said, adding “the enterprises advanced to medium-scale companies today are witnesses for this.”
Our country’s economic growth expedited not only by attracting forging investors or by some Ethiopians who accumulated wealth but also by those thousands and millions of citizens who are ready to engage in various work sectors and generate wealth, he said.
The economic growth of the country would be more sustainable if graduates of universities and technical and vocational colleges organize themselves and engage in small and micro enterprises (SMEs) rather than waiting for job opportunities, he said.
PM Meles finally called on the youth to engage in small and micro enterprises (SMEs).
Mayor of Addis Ababa City, Kuma Demekssa, on his part said that the outcomes attained in SMEs sectors are the direct results of the developmental and democratic nature of the Ethiopian government.
“Today is a unique day as it coincided with the implementation of the five-year Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP), the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam and the 20th founding anniversary of May 28,” he said.
Some 180 model enterprises whose capital surpassed from 500,000 birr were also awarded medals on the occasion.
Prime Minister Meles on the occasion said that the government would continue to support SMEs as they are engine of economic growth and employment creation. "The government would also provide all-round supports that match with their levels to those enterprises advanced to medium-scale industry today," he said.
In addition to creating immense job opportunities, SMEs are foundation for big industries and development investors, the primer said, adding “the enterprises advanced to medium-scale companies today are witnesses for this.”
Our country’s economic growth expedited not only by attracting forging investors or by some Ethiopians who accumulated wealth but also by those thousands and millions of citizens who are ready to engage in various work sectors and generate wealth, he said.
The economic growth of the country would be more sustainable if graduates of universities and technical and vocational colleges organize themselves and engage in small and micro enterprises (SMEs) rather than waiting for job opportunities, he said.
PM Meles finally called on the youth to engage in small and micro enterprises (SMEs).
Mayor of Addis Ababa City, Kuma Demekssa, on his part said that the outcomes attained in SMEs sectors are the direct results of the developmental and democratic nature of the Ethiopian government.
“Today is a unique day as it coincided with the implementation of the five-year Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP), the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam and the 20th founding anniversary of May 28,” he said.
Some 180 model enterprises whose capital surpassed from 500,000 birr were also awarded medals on the occasion.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Citadel Capital Gains After Unit Finds Gold in Ethiopia
Bloomberg- May 21, 2011 Citadel Capital SAE gained the most on record after one of the units of the Egyptian private equity company said it found gold in a concession in Ethiopia. The shares rose 5.7 percent, the most since they were listed in December 2009, to 4.84 Egyptian pounds at the 2:30 p.m. close in Cairo. That valued the company at 3.2 billion pounds ($538 million).
Asec Co. for Mining said it found evidence of the existence of gold near the surface in an area where it has exploration rights in Ethiopia. The company said it completed the first phase of drilling in the area and plans to start the second phase in July and the third phase in the third quarter.To contact the reporter on this story: Ahmed A Namatalla in Cairo at
To contact the editor responsible for this story: Claudia Maedler at
Asec Co. for Mining said it found evidence of the existence of gold near the surface in an area where it has exploration rights in Ethiopia. The company said it completed the first phase of drilling in the area and plans to start the second phase in July and the third phase in the third quarter.To contact the reporter on this story: Ahmed A Namatalla in Cairo at
To contact the editor responsible for this story: Claudia Maedler at
Telecom played vital role for Ethiopia’s overall development: Ethio Telecom
Addis Ababa, May 21 (WIC) – The telecommunication sector has played a vital role in the political, economic and social achievements of the country over the past two decades, Ethio Telecom (ET) said.
External Communications Manager at ET, Abdurahim Ahmed said that due to the special attention accorded to the sector by the government, the telecom service has expanded to a wide range of services and customers.
In the past two decades the telecom sector has registered a steady growth in terms of the service provided, network capacity and number of customers, the external communications manager said.
In 1991 fixed line subscribers stood at 6,700. At the moment, it stands just below the million mark.
“Since the introduction of the mobile phone service, the growth of the fixed line subscribers is limited,” Abdurahim told WIC in an exclusive interview. “In the next five years, we plan to pass the million mark”.
Internet and Mobile phone services were introduced to Ethiopia in 1997 and 1999, respectively. At the time, the number of internet subscribers was 1,042 while mobile phone service, which originally had a network capacity to accommodate 36,000 dial-up subscribers, registered 6,700 customers.
“Now, mobile phone subscribers has reached 9.5 million and the network capacity stands at 20 million subscribers,” Abdurahim said. “By the end of the previous budget year, internet subscribers have reached 68,000”.
The telecom sector had also launched the School-net, Wereda-net, and Agri-net projects with a view to assisting education, agriculture and good governance sectors, respectively.
According to Abdurahim, 684 senior secondary schools under the School-net project, 631 Weredas under the Wereda-net project and 49 agricultural institutes under the Agri-net project are connected with V-Sat technology.
The external communication manager said that under the rural connectivity project, all weredas are now connected with digital telephone services.
He said that a project which was launched to connect all Kebeles through wireless technology will be completed by the end of this fiscal year.
“We have, so far, connected more than 11,000 Kebeles with this technology,” Abdurahim told WIC.
External Communications Manager at ET, Abdurahim Ahmed said that due to the special attention accorded to the sector by the government, the telecom service has expanded to a wide range of services and customers.
In the past two decades the telecom sector has registered a steady growth in terms of the service provided, network capacity and number of customers, the external communications manager said.
In 1991 fixed line subscribers stood at 6,700. At the moment, it stands just below the million mark.
“Since the introduction of the mobile phone service, the growth of the fixed line subscribers is limited,” Abdurahim told WIC in an exclusive interview. “In the next five years, we plan to pass the million mark”.
Internet and Mobile phone services were introduced to Ethiopia in 1997 and 1999, respectively. At the time, the number of internet subscribers was 1,042 while mobile phone service, which originally had a network capacity to accommodate 36,000 dial-up subscribers, registered 6,700 customers.
“Now, mobile phone subscribers has reached 9.5 million and the network capacity stands at 20 million subscribers,” Abdurahim said. “By the end of the previous budget year, internet subscribers have reached 68,000”.
The telecom sector had also launched the School-net, Wereda-net, and Agri-net projects with a view to assisting education, agriculture and good governance sectors, respectively.
According to Abdurahim, 684 senior secondary schools under the School-net project, 631 Weredas under the Wereda-net project and 49 agricultural institutes under the Agri-net project are connected with V-Sat technology.
The external communication manager said that under the rural connectivity project, all weredas are now connected with digital telephone services.
He said that a project which was launched to connect all Kebeles through wireless technology will be completed by the end of this fiscal year.
“We have, so far, connected more than 11,000 Kebeles with this technology,” Abdurahim told WIC.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Sudan, Ethiopia to boost cooperation in domains of da'wa
Addis Ababa, May 19 (WIC) - State Minister at Sudan’s Ministry of Guidance and Endowments Khalil Abdullah reviewed with a visiting Ethiopian delegation headed by the Chairman of the Higher Council for Islamic Affairs in Ethiopia Sheikh Ahmadadin Sheikh Abdullah means of boosting joint cooperation between the Sudan and Ethiopia in domains of Hajj, Umra , Endowments, Propagators and pertinent issues.
The Minister welcomed the visit of the Ethiopian delegation and affirmed Sudan's readiness to cooperate and exchange expertise with the Higher Council for Islamic Affairs in Ethiopia, Sudan News Agency reported.
Director of the Department of International and Public Relations at the Ministry of Guidance and Endowments, Al-Fatih Mukhtar, said the meeting stressed the need to enhance cooperation between the two sides in domains of Hajj, Ummrah, Endowments, propagation and Training.
Mukhtar added that the Ethiopian delegation will meet with officials at the Higher Council for Islamic Affairs, Endowment Authority, Hajj and Ummrah Administration.
The Minister welcomed the visit of the Ethiopian delegation and affirmed Sudan's readiness to cooperate and exchange expertise with the Higher Council for Islamic Affairs in Ethiopia, Sudan News Agency reported.
Director of the Department of International and Public Relations at the Ministry of Guidance and Endowments, Al-Fatih Mukhtar, said the meeting stressed the need to enhance cooperation between the two sides in domains of Hajj, Ummrah, Endowments, propagation and Training.
Mukhtar added that the Ethiopian delegation will meet with officials at the Higher Council for Islamic Affairs, Endowment Authority, Hajj and Ummrah Administration.
Dr. Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of India, will hold first-ever bilateral visit to Ethiopia, Vivek Katju, Secretary (West), announced.
Addis Ababa, May 19 (WIC) – Briefing journalists yesterday, the secretary said that Prime Minister Singh, who will visit Ethiopia to take part on the Second Africa-India Forum Summit (May 24 to 25), will hold bilateral discussions with Ethiopia on May 25 and 26.
“This will be the first-ever visit by an Indian Prime Minister to this country,” Katju told journalists.
The secretary said the Prime Minister will hold discussions with Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Meles Zenawi and address the Ethiopian Parliament. According to Katju, the two leaders are expected to sign an agreement which will avoid double taxation, apart from strengthening bilateral ties.
During the past two decades, the Ethiopian Investment Agency has approved Indian investment of around 4.5 billion dollars. Agriculture and floriculture, engineering, plastics, manufacturing, cotton and textiles, pharmaceuticals, healthcare and ICT are the areas in which Indian companies have been investing in Ethiopia.
“India is a partner in Ethiopia’s development process and has extended Lines of Credits amounting to around 700 million dollars,” Katju said. “A large part of this credit is committed to the development of the sugar industry in Ethiopia”.
Fifteen African countries, selected by the African Union, are expected to participate in the Second Africa-India Forum Summit, which will be held in Addis Ababa from May 23 to 26. These countries include Algeria, Burundi, Chad, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Kenya, Libya, Malawi, Namibia, Mauritania, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Swaziland and the host country Ethiopia.
“The choice of the countries is decided by the AU on the basis of the Banjul format adopted by the AU for the participation of African countries in Summits like this,” the Secretary said.
The Summit will give due emphasis on ways of increasing the level of Trade and Investment between India and Africa. According to the Secretary, the bilateral trade between India and Africa has reached 48 billion dollars and India hope to reach a target of 70 billion dollars by 2015.
“This will be the first-ever visit by an Indian Prime Minister to this country,” Katju told journalists.
The secretary said the Prime Minister will hold discussions with Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Meles Zenawi and address the Ethiopian Parliament. According to Katju, the two leaders are expected to sign an agreement which will avoid double taxation, apart from strengthening bilateral ties.
During the past two decades, the Ethiopian Investment Agency has approved Indian investment of around 4.5 billion dollars. Agriculture and floriculture, engineering, plastics, manufacturing, cotton and textiles, pharmaceuticals, healthcare and ICT are the areas in which Indian companies have been investing in Ethiopia.
“India is a partner in Ethiopia’s development process and has extended Lines of Credits amounting to around 700 million dollars,” Katju said. “A large part of this credit is committed to the development of the sugar industry in Ethiopia”.
Fifteen African countries, selected by the African Union, are expected to participate in the Second Africa-India Forum Summit, which will be held in Addis Ababa from May 23 to 26. These countries include Algeria, Burundi, Chad, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Kenya, Libya, Malawi, Namibia, Mauritania, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Swaziland and the host country Ethiopia.
“The choice of the countries is decided by the AU on the basis of the Banjul format adopted by the AU for the participation of African countries in Summits like this,” the Secretary said.
The Summit will give due emphasis on ways of increasing the level of Trade and Investment between India and Africa. According to the Secretary, the bilateral trade between India and Africa has reached 48 billion dollars and India hope to reach a target of 70 billion dollars by 2015.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Samsung to open electronics engineering academy in Ethiopia
Sunday, 15 May 2011-Addis Ababa, May 14 (WIC) - Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd, the South Korean electronics manufacturer, is planning to set up an electronics engineering academy in Ethiopia. George Ferriera, Samsung Electronics Africa, Chief Operating Officer (COO), said that the company plans to open up the engineering academy in Addis Ababa with an estimated cost of 1.5 million dollars.
The company opened the first electronics engineering academy in Africa at Boksburg, South Africa, in March 2011. The academy, which is equipped with electronics engineering lab, provides practical trainings to students from Grade 10 to 12 drawn from schools chosen by the company.According to the COO, the academy planned to be opened in Ethiopia will be similar to the one built in South Africa with a view to boosting local technical and engineering skills.
“The students will have practical access to the latest notebooks, tablet PCs and electronic boards to use and work on,” George Ferriera said. “They will have a place to eat and drink with transportation facilities provided”.
The company, which intends to have 10,000 electronic engineers in Africa by 2015, has also plans to set up assembly plants in different parts of Africa, including Ethiopia, Sudan, South Africa, Nigeria and Senegal.
“We are currently busy with feasibility studies to set up assembly plants for home appliances,” Ferriera said. “If we do so much business in Africa, we can do much investment in the continent”.
With an estimated cost of 300,000 dollars, the company recently also erected a clock tower on Teklehaimanot square, few blocks from the head office of its local distributor.
In its 2010 performance, Samsung registered a company record of 1.23 billion dollars revenues from its operations in Africa, a 31 percent growth from the previous year.
With a market share of 22 percent in consumer electronic products in Africa, as opposed to Nokia’s 54 percent in 2009, Samsung aims to generate 10 billion dollars in annual revenue from Africa by 2015.
“This year’s plan is to grow by 60 percent, which will effectively put us on par with Nokia,” Ferriera said.
The company opened the first electronics engineering academy in Africa at Boksburg, South Africa, in March 2011. The academy, which is equipped with electronics engineering lab, provides practical trainings to students from Grade 10 to 12 drawn from schools chosen by the company.According to the COO, the academy planned to be opened in Ethiopia will be similar to the one built in South Africa with a view to boosting local technical and engineering skills.
“The students will have practical access to the latest notebooks, tablet PCs and electronic boards to use and work on,” George Ferriera said. “They will have a place to eat and drink with transportation facilities provided”.
The company, which intends to have 10,000 electronic engineers in Africa by 2015, has also plans to set up assembly plants in different parts of Africa, including Ethiopia, Sudan, South Africa, Nigeria and Senegal.
“We are currently busy with feasibility studies to set up assembly plants for home appliances,” Ferriera said. “If we do so much business in Africa, we can do much investment in the continent”.
With an estimated cost of 300,000 dollars, the company recently also erected a clock tower on Teklehaimanot square, few blocks from the head office of its local distributor.
In its 2010 performance, Samsung registered a company record of 1.23 billion dollars revenues from its operations in Africa, a 31 percent growth from the previous year.
With a market share of 22 percent in consumer electronic products in Africa, as opposed to Nokia’s 54 percent in 2009, Samsung aims to generate 10 billion dollars in annual revenue from Africa by 2015.
“This year’s plan is to grow by 60 percent, which will effectively put us on par with Nokia,” Ferriera said.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Egypt approves of Ethiopia’s Renaissance Dam in principle and will buy Electric!!
Sun 5/15/2011-Egypt has in principle approved the Renaissance Dam that Ethiopia intends to build on its borders with Sudan this year, according to an official source.The source added that Prime Minister Essam Sharf and his Ethiopian counterpart have agreed that an Egyptian technical committee examine the blueprints of the dam, so as to determine whether it would adversely affect Egypt’s Nile water quota, and that Egypt might participate in the construction of the dam, which is expected to cost around US$4.7 billion.
An agreement has also been reached by which Egypt and Sudan will buy electricity from Ethiopia’s power station in Mendaya, which has the capacity to provide 1200 megawatts to Sudan and another 2000 to Egypt. A related agreement allows for Egypt to import a large number of Ethiopian livestock.
“More than 30 Egyptian companies have already asked to import meat from Ethiopia due to its high quality and low price,” said Ayman Eissa, head of the Egyptian-Ethiopian Business Council.
He added that Egypt aims to link its economic development to that of Ethiopia, in order to avoid unilateral projects that would harm the interest of either countries.
An agreement has also been reached by which Egypt and Sudan will buy electricity from Ethiopia’s power station in Mendaya, which has the capacity to provide 1200 megawatts to Sudan and another 2000 to Egypt. A related agreement allows for Egypt to import a large number of Ethiopian livestock.
“More than 30 Egyptian companies have already asked to import meat from Ethiopia due to its high quality and low price,” said Ayman Eissa, head of the Egyptian-Ethiopian Business Council.
He added that Egypt aims to link its economic development to that of Ethiopia, in order to avoid unilateral projects that would harm the interest of either countries.
Ethiopia to participate in the Indian-African Summit!!!
Agenda being set for India-Africa Summit in Addis Ababa
Wednesday, 11 May 2011
Addis Ababa, May 11 (WIC) -A two-day India-Africa seminar kicks off here Wednesday ahead of the second India Africa Forum Summit to be inaugurated by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in the Ethiopian capital later this month to step up ties between the two regions that account for 40 percent of humanity.
The seminar has been organised by the Indian Council for World Affairs (ICWA) with support from its counterpart here, the Ethiopian International Institute for Peace and Development, under "Track-II Diplomacy" initiative of India's ministry of external affairs.
"This the first of the seminars we are hosting, ahead of the India-Africa Summit which our prime minister is inaugurating. The outcomes and suggestions will be taken up at the larger level," said ICWA Director General Sudhir T. Devare.
"The focus remains how India-Africa partnership can be mutually beneficial for the overall development and growth," Devare, who is also among the key speakers at the seminar, told IANS.
The organisers said the seminar was also in the nature of an academic conference with expert speakers drawn from areas such as strategic affairs, banking, gender issues, finance, policy, education, foreign relations and history.
Key speakers include the African Union Deputy Chairman Erastus J.O. Mawencha, Ethiopian Education Minister Demeke Mekonnen and State Minister for Foreign Affairs Ambassador Berhane Gebrekirstos, and National Maritime Foundation Director C. Uday Bhaskar.
The seminar, ICWA said in a concept note, will focus on five key areas: Economic development, capacity building in terms of human resources, gender mainstreaming, diaspora resource and non-traditional security.
In terms of the two-million-strong Indian diaspora in Africa, the note said India has not been able to convert it into a resource and the same holds true for African nations. The speakers will seek to find answers to this issue.
The seminar comes at a time when India's bilateral trade with Africa crossed the 50-billion USD mark last year, and Commerce and Industry Minister Anand Shaerma has set a target of 70 billion USD by 2012.
In economic partnership, one of the main topics of discussion will be how the Indian private and public sector companies can contribute to the infrastructure needs of Africa both with technology and funds.
Addis Ababa is the seat of the African Union.
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 11 May 2011 )
Wednesday, 11 May 2011
Addis Ababa, May 11 (WIC) -A two-day India-Africa seminar kicks off here Wednesday ahead of the second India Africa Forum Summit to be inaugurated by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in the Ethiopian capital later this month to step up ties between the two regions that account for 40 percent of humanity.
The seminar has been organised by the Indian Council for World Affairs (ICWA) with support from its counterpart here, the Ethiopian International Institute for Peace and Development, under "Track-II Diplomacy" initiative of India's ministry of external affairs.
"This the first of the seminars we are hosting, ahead of the India-Africa Summit which our prime minister is inaugurating. The outcomes and suggestions will be taken up at the larger level," said ICWA Director General Sudhir T. Devare.
"The focus remains how India-Africa partnership can be mutually beneficial for the overall development and growth," Devare, who is also among the key speakers at the seminar, told IANS.
The organisers said the seminar was also in the nature of an academic conference with expert speakers drawn from areas such as strategic affairs, banking, gender issues, finance, policy, education, foreign relations and history.
Key speakers include the African Union Deputy Chairman Erastus J.O. Mawencha, Ethiopian Education Minister Demeke Mekonnen and State Minister for Foreign Affairs Ambassador Berhane Gebrekirstos, and National Maritime Foundation Director C. Uday Bhaskar.
The seminar, ICWA said in a concept note, will focus on five key areas: Economic development, capacity building in terms of human resources, gender mainstreaming, diaspora resource and non-traditional security.
In terms of the two-million-strong Indian diaspora in Africa, the note said India has not been able to convert it into a resource and the same holds true for African nations. The speakers will seek to find answers to this issue.
The seminar comes at a time when India's bilateral trade with Africa crossed the 50-billion USD mark last year, and Commerce and Industry Minister Anand Shaerma has set a target of 70 billion USD by 2012.
In economic partnership, one of the main topics of discussion will be how the Indian private and public sector companies can contribute to the infrastructure needs of Africa both with technology and funds.
Addis Ababa is the seat of the African Union.
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 11 May 2011 )
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Large-scale Technology is at Heart of Economic Structural Transformation in Ethiopia
Tsegaye Tegenu, May 14, 2011
In the European history, large scale technologies have played central role in the structural transformation the economy and society. The introduction of threshing machine, iron plows, seed drills and other important tools in the 18th century could increase the scale in agriculture. In the industrial sector, the technologies of the industrial revolution related to textile, iron production, mining, and steam power have led to an increase in the scale of production. Much later on, during the time of the second industrial revolution the introduction of new technologies such as steel, concrete, chemicals, paper and internal combustion engines led to even larger scales of efficient production. The introduction of influential technologies both in the agriculture and manufacturing sectors increased the scale of production and required large capital investment.
Egyptian PM Essam Sharaf said Egypt is not against Renaissance Dam
Addis Ababa, May 14, 2011(WIC) – The Egyptian Prime Minister Essam Sharaf said that Egypt won’t stand against the building of the Ethiopian Grand Renaissance Dam.
In his discussion with Ethiopian Premier H.E Meles Zenawi on Friday, Essam Sharaf he stressed that Egypt will cooperate with Ethiopia and it sets to play a positive role on fair utilization of the Nile River.
According to the premier, Egypt is not against the dam project that Ethiopia has initiated on the Nile, adding that move taken by Egypt’s former leaders to prevent Ethiopia from getting support for its Nile-related projects was flawed.
Meles for his part reassured Mr. Sharaf of Ethiopia’s readiness as it used to be to work in partnership with Egypt.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Egyptian PM arrives in Addis for a two-day official visit
Egyptian PM arrives in Addis for a two-day official visit
Friday, 13 May 2011
Addis Ababa, May 13 (WIC) – Egyptian Prime Minister Essam Sharaf arrived here in Addis Ababa yesterday for a two-day official visit and to discuss on ways of strengthening ties with Ethiopia.
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hailemariam Desalegn welcomed Prime Minister Sharaf at Bole International Airport.
Sharaf will meet Prime Minister Meles Zenawi and President Girma Woldegiorgis during his two-day stay here beginning today.
Sharaf has been Prime Minister of Egypt since March 2011.
A 48-member Egyptian Public Diplomacy Delegation visited Ethiopia last month.
Last Updated ( Friday, 13 May 2011 )
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
NATO intercepts Eritrea military cargo
Addis Ababa, May 11 (WIC) - Western military alliance NATO has captured a consignment of weapons destined for Eritrea, UN reports.
The ship carrying the heavy weapons was captured in the Indian Ocean.
The consignment intercepted includes 15 tons of heavy weapons shipped from North Korea.
UN imposed sanctions and arms embargo against Eritrea for an alleged involvement in training and supplying weapons to Somali Islamic rebels.
According to the UN monitoring group report, NATO forces captured 15 tonnes of rockets, surface to air missiles and explosives worth 15 million USD on the ship, which had sailed to Singapore to evade North Korean Port of Origin.
Sunday, May 08, 2011
Stratex plans to expand in Ethiopia on promising gold finds
May 7 (WIC) - Gold exploration company Stratex International said on Friday it was actively exploring its firstmover land position in the Afar region in Ethiopia and Djibouti.
The junior has already made gold discoveries, such as Blackrock and Megenta, in the Afar region.
Stratex had identified a total of 14 km outcropping epithermal veins at Blackrock where recent rock-chip samples returned grades of up to 60, 4 g/t gold from the Black Water zone.
“It is our intention to continue to build our land position in the region and to implement defined exploration programmes to advance our discoveries through the resource development cycle and in turn prove the economic potential of our East African assets,” said chairperson Christopher Hall in the company’s annual general meeting statement.
Stratex had signed an agreement with South Africa’s AngloGold Ashanti joint-venture company Thani Ashanti to fast-track development of its first 11 prospects identified within the Afar region.
Thani Ashanti can earn 51% of the Afar project by spending $3-million on exploration and development over two years.
Drilling would also start within the week at Stratex’s other significant discovery in the region, Megenta.
Meanwhile, Hall said that the company’s Turkish portfolio with its advanced gold exploration projects and defined Joint Ore Reserves Committee resources of 1,31-million ounces of gold, on a JV-inclusive basis, offered Stratex near-term exposure to development and production.
“Our Inlice and Altıntepe gold projects are presently being advanced by our partner with the aim of gold production in 2012 and 2013 respectively,” said Hall.
Stratex was also fast-tracking three other key exploration targets in Turkey, including Öksüt, Hasançelebi and Muratdere.
“At Öksüt, we have already defined an independent Jorc resource of 317 256 oz gold, which we hope will continue to grow with our ongoing drilling programme,” said Hall.
Saturday, May 07, 2011
The Netherlands praises Ethio-Dutch trade and investment relations
Thursday, 05 May 2011
Addis Ababa, May 5, 2011(WIC) – The Dutch Embassy in Ethiopia praised the fast growing of trade and investment relations between Ethiopia and the Netherlands since 2004.
Ambassador Hans Blankenberg, Dutch ambassador in Ethiopia, told WIC that Ethiopia exports to the Netherlands about 150 million euros and it imports from the Netherlands about half that figure.
Ethiopian is the second largest supplier of flowers to the Dutch market, the ambassador remarked, adding that the trade relation has grown considerably due to Dutch’s huge involvement in the horticulture.
According to the ambassador, about 300 Dutch or Dutch-affiliated companies with an investment capital of over 5 billion birr are licensed with the Federal Investment Agency.
The Dutch investors invest in horticulture, eco-tourism, solar energy, animal feed, poultry, food processing and cosmetics, the ambassador said, adding that the Dutch Government is very keen to promote investment ventures in Ethiopia by sponsoring investment, trade missions `and ‘matchmaking’ activities.
According to the ambassador the Netherlands facilitated grants to innovative investments in developing countries in which Ethiopia is one of the highest beneficiaries of this Private Sector Initiative Program.
Fifty joint ventures were established in Ethiopia with investing capital of more than 100 million euros in the past six years, he said.
Dutch’s effort to promote investments in Ethiopia is not only to promote exports to Dutch’s market but supporting Ethiopia to develop production for other markets, the ambassador remarked.
Ethiopia and the Netherlands have long-standing trade relations dating back to the 17th century when the Dutch began importing Ethiopian coffee to Europe.
Addis Ababa, May 5, 2011(WIC) – The Dutch Embassy in Ethiopia praised the fast growing of trade and investment relations between Ethiopia and the Netherlands since 2004.
Ambassador Hans Blankenberg, Dutch ambassador in Ethiopia, told WIC that Ethiopia exports to the Netherlands about 150 million euros and it imports from the Netherlands about half that figure.
Ethiopian is the second largest supplier of flowers to the Dutch market, the ambassador remarked, adding that the trade relation has grown considerably due to Dutch’s huge involvement in the horticulture.
According to the ambassador, about 300 Dutch or Dutch-affiliated companies with an investment capital of over 5 billion birr are licensed with the Federal Investment Agency.
The Dutch investors invest in horticulture, eco-tourism, solar energy, animal feed, poultry, food processing and cosmetics, the ambassador said, adding that the Dutch Government is very keen to promote investment ventures in Ethiopia by sponsoring investment, trade missions `and ‘matchmaking’ activities.
According to the ambassador the Netherlands facilitated grants to innovative investments in developing countries in which Ethiopia is one of the highest beneficiaries of this Private Sector Initiative Program.
Fifty joint ventures were established in Ethiopia with investing capital of more than 100 million euros in the past six years, he said.
Dutch’s effort to promote investments in Ethiopia is not only to promote exports to Dutch’s market but supporting Ethiopia to develop production for other markets, the ambassador remarked.
Ethiopia and the Netherlands have long-standing trade relations dating back to the 17th century when the Dutch began importing Ethiopian coffee to Europe.
Friday, May 06, 2011
Ethiopia will host the next World Economic Forum's Africa meeting a year from now.
Ethiopia will host the next World Economic Forum's Africa meeting a year from now. At a press conference in Cape Town, Deputy Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn said he is delighted that the WEF - host of a high-level global conference in Davos, Switzerland, each January - has chosen his country for its annual Africa conference. He said all attendees, including journalists, will be welcome.
Matthew Jordaan,
The World Economic Forum on Africa 2011 held in Cape Town, South Africa, 4-6 May 2011.
The status of journalists in Ethiopia became an issue at the press conference when a Nairobi-based correspondent said journalists are abused and harassed by the Ethiopian government. He questioned whether opposition parties would be welcome at the conference and asked for guarantees that human rights and freedom of expression would be respected in Ethiopia. The deputy prime minister responded that the questioner's facts were wrong, saying that a distinction must be made between legal opposition and parties affiliated with armed struggle and terrorism. "Ethiopia is an island of stability" in the Horn of Africa, he said, and the rule of law must be observed.
Ethiopia is predicted to have one of the world's fastest growing economies over the next decade. Among the reasons for holding its Africa forum in Addis Ababa, said a WEF spokesperson, are that it is a diplomatic hub - including hosting the African Union, it is extending development to the rural poor, with lessons for the rest of Africa, and it has never been colonized.
Thursday, May 05, 2011
NATO Navy Captures Armament-Filled Ship, Bound For Eritrea
A small ship, originating from North Korea and carrying rockets and other armaments destined for Eritrea, was intercepted in the international waters of the Indian Ocean by international navy enforcing sanctions against Eritrea.
There are 15 tons of rockets, surface to air missiles and explosives worth USD $15 million on the ship which had sailed to Singapore to evade North Korean Port of Origin designation.
There are 15 tons of rockets, surface to air missiles and explosives worth USD $15 million on the ship which had sailed to Singapore to evade North Korean Port of Origin designation.
Forum forecasts Ethiopia to be fastest growing economies over coming five years
Forum forecasts Ethiopia to be fastest growing economies over coming five years
Cape Town, May 5 (WIC) - The World Economic Forum forecasted Ethiopia to be amongst the top 10 fastest growing economies in the world over the coming five years.
Katherine Tweedie, Director, Head of Africa, said at the 21st World Economic Forum on Africa opened at the International Conference Centre in Cape Town on 4, May 2011 that Ethiopia’s economy will grow in a very alarming rate over the coming five years. “Ethiopia’s emerging economic growth is promising. It founded on the full participation of its people. Democratization and multi-political system is growing in the country. Ethiopia had peace full election in 2010 and this is a good experience,” she told WIC. According to Tweedie, seven of the fastest growing economies in the world in the next five years will be in sub-Saharan Africa, including Ethiopia, Mozambique, Tanzania and Ghana. “A lot of discussion will be held to explore drivers behind this growth at the forum,” she said. “Africa’s economic growths in recent years have impressed the world. The emerging middle class are contributing to greater economic diversification and a trillion dollar market opportunity in consumer goods and services.” The three-day meeting will discuss how sub-Saharan Africa can sustain its growth path and become one of the pillars of global growth and demand. To be held under the theme, Shaping Africa’s Role in the New Reality, the meeting will take place against the backdrop of the increasing global recognition of Africa’s growth potential. "We chose this theme because we feel it is very relevant for the events that are taking place on this continent, and the opportunity for growth and investment that the international and African communities are seeing," Tweedie said. "Shaping Africa's Role in the New Reality," one of the three thematic pillars of the meeting will explore how Africa can take on a leadership role in the new reality and guard against newly emerging global and regional risks. Another topic expected to draw much attention is Africa’s inclusive development. In recent years, African decision makers have been looking for ways to attain inclusive development by translating economic growth into better lives for the people. "Government and Business have a responsibility to ensure that Africa’s wealth creation translates in to widespread inclusive development particularly as it relates to empowering youth" she said.
"Building Partnership for Inclusive Development," is one of the thematic pillar of participants expected to debate on how can inclusive growth be put at the heart of a sustainable development agenda for Africa, and how can government of African countries work together with the business sector to distribute more equitably the benefits from the wealth in natural resources, among others.
The over 900 participants from 60 countries are expected to exchange views on issues including Africa's agriculture development, infrastructure construction, China-Africa cooperation, impact of political situation in North African and the Middle East on Africa’s economic development, among others.
Wednesday, May 04, 2011
Female Enrollment at Ethiopia's Universities Approaching 50 Pct
By Staff Reporters
May 4, 2011 ( - The latest gender equality index published by World Economic Forum shows that it is still a man’s world in Ethiopia. On the other hand, a new Ministry of Education report indicates that women students are likely to comprise historic 50 percent share in universities in the immediate future. 46.7 percent of new students currently entering Ethiopian universities are women.
According to the latest gender equality index, Ethiopia has slipped nine places from 2007 ranking to stand at 122 of 130 countries. While the three top-ranked countries have closed more than 80 percent of their gender gaps, the lowest ranking country has been successful in closing only 45 percent of its gender gap.
Besides Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia and Syria dropped farther in their relative ranking. The Report is based on four critical areas of inequality to measure size of the gender gap – educational attainment, economic participation and opportunity, political empowerment and decision making, life expectancy and survival.
Ethiopia stands at 50 in labor force participation; however, Ethiopian women do not get equal pay for equal work. It is ranked 96th in the Economic Participation and Opportunity category and 70th in political empowerment. According to the report, Ethiopian females have longer life expectancy than males and Ethiopia ranks 42 in the number of females in parliament.
On the other hand, in universities, the participation of female students is increasing. Education Minister Demeke Mekonnen confirms that 46.67 percent of the total 163,000 students entering preparatory programs this academic year are girls, according to Capital news report.
Under the Affirmative Action policies, doors have been opened for the enrolment of more girls and to assist them successfully complete their university and preparatory programs. However, the MoE report says that more efforts are the need of the hour to improve the rate of graduating female students in universities.
In September, Prime Minister Zenawi expressed concern about gender-related violence incidents at schools in both urban and rural areas.
For every 100 male students, there are less than 35 female tertiary students in Ethiopia, Eritrea, Niger, and Guinea. However, the report adds that once female students enter secondary education, they are more likely than male students to complete their studies.
For Ethiopia, its last year’s education status remains a source of pride for the administration, which appears to improve gender equality ratio, especially if we check official figures of the last year, when the first level of education coverage was 95.9 percent, which is expected to increase by one percent.
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