Addis Ababa,(Ethiopia)5-28-11 Ethiopian Prime Minister,Meles Zenawi leaves Thursday for France to attend the G8 summit as one of invited African leaders. The G8 summit in France is also expected to discuss issues related to the current political crisis in the Arab world, including the situation in Libya and other countries.It is reported that nuclear safety and climate change as well as green growth and innovation are among the top items on the agenda of the summit. Prime Minister Meles is currently serving as a spokesperson for Africa on climate change and environmental issues. He was re-elected last January to represent Africa on the world negotiation on climate change and its impact in Africa.Meles is expected to hold talks with the leaders at the summit where he will discuss issues related to climate change and other political affairs. According to available information, created at the initiative of France in 1975 to address the first oil crisis, the G8 is an informal group of advanced economies, which meets once a year at a summit of heads of state and government. It has a role of guidance and political impetus. G8 members are Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union. Composed of six members at its creation in 1975, and seven with Canada in 1976, the group became the G8 with the inclusion of Russia in 1998. The European Union has been associated since 1977. G8 members represent 15 percent of world's population, 65 percent of GDP, and two thirds of international trade.
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