ADDIS ABABA 6-1-11- The Addis Ababa Women and Youth EPRDF Leagues 1st regular conference kicked off as of yesterday under the theme: '' We will ensure our sustainable benefits through the active participation of women and youth of our city in realizing the Grand Renaissance Dam''.Briefing journalists on the overall objective of the conference, Wobeshet G/Egziabher, Addis Ababa Youth League Chairperson said that the main aim of the conference is to evaluate the previous performances of both Women and Youth Addis Ababa EPRDF Leagues while discussing the future strategies towards making youth and women beneficiaries from the ongoing development packages at various levels.
According to the Chairperson, the primary need for establishing both women and youth leagues is to produce potential leaders. Particularly, it necessitate to establish the leagues to build the overall stewardship capacities of women and youth thereby make them capable of assuming political responsibilities. Hence, as per its objectives of establishment, the political participation of women and youth in Addis Ababa city is increasing, he added.
Wobeshet further indicated that the leagues are also in charge of fighting against rent seeking attitude and malpractices as well as power abuses in the city through the participation of members. To properly discharge these responsibilities the leagues were offering training to members and even other women and youth to avoid problems related to attitude, inputs and skills gap among them, he added. Kiros Atsbeha, Addis Ababa EPRDF Women Leagues Chairperson on her part said that women are being economically empowered following the establishment of the league despite their economical dependence on their counter men earlier. Specifically, the Leagues have been helping the women in offering necessary training as how to organize themselves through micro and small scale enterprises for their common benefits, she said.
Making women and youth equal beneficiaries from the ongoing development of the country at all levels is among the major pillars of the National Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP). Therefore, the leagues are making every effort towards proper implementation of the plan in this regard.
Source: Ethiopian press agency
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