Daily Dose: The Story of the First Woyane
By Amir Abedellah (forivat@yahoo.com)
Little is known about the first woyane due to lack of research. Perhaps there are few books written about the first woyne. In any case the first woyane of Tigray, Ethiopia laid the foundation for future such as TPLF (Tigray People Libration Front), TLF (Tigray Libration Front), EPLF (Eritrean People Libration Front), ELF (Eritrean Libration Front) etc.
I shall emphasize that this article will discuss in regard to a woyane that existed in the late 1930s or early 1940s led by the great Balabat Hailemariam Reda. The story of woyane begins in the land of Tigray, Ethiopia. It is well written the people of Tigray were always neglected and persecuted under the previous regime that ruled Ethiopia. This is the reason the children of Tigray ran a way from their land for better life. All the rulers made sure that Tigray never prosper and the people were isolated.
When Italy came to colonize Ethiopia the regime of the Despot Haileselasie did not try to stop it, but rather started packing for safe house in London. In the meantime the great people of Ethiopia were attempting to stop the Italy invaders with no avail. The world just looked the other way. Italy did use gas and other prohibited chemicals in order to liquidate the people of Ethiopia. It was condemned by the international world as noted in a resolution.
Italy was defeated by the allied troops and was removed from Ethiopia with great joy. The exiled regime Haileselasie was brought by General Wingate of London to rule Ethiopia. After, five years in exile the Despot Haileselasie back in Ethiopia. Of course many people refused to recognize him as their leader because he did not stay in Ethiopia to fight the Italy like his predessors the Great Atse Yohannes and Atse Tedrows.
As usual Haileselasie started to persecute the people of Tigray. The regime of Hailleselasie went on to exterminate every leader known in Tigray. After, sacking Tigray nobles and leaders the regime went on to do other things. He also increased the tax and levies. His soldiers were hungry for more bribes and corruption was out of control. The regime soldiers were using people houses as their station. Tigray was in total control.
The people of Tigray demanded that the persecution and humiliation against them stop now!!! To no avail. However, the ragtag soldiers of the regime continued to plunder and steal the people property. Out of this situation a group of young men led by Hailemarian Reda began organize. Hence the “group” was called “WOYANE”. Thus, WOYANE was created out from the womb of Tigray to defend the people. Woyane demanded that all activities of the regime such as persecution stop. It is also important to note here for historical accuracy the people of Wigirat and Raya-Azobo were involved in the opposition of the Hailesselasie Regime. Wigirat people always have independent and free from any government. They ruled their stated by their culture. The same can be said with Raya-Azobo.
Anyhow, the woyane were not considered or seen as a major threat by the Despotic-Regime-Haileselasie. So the woyane’s call to stop harassment by the regime was brushed off by the regime.
The First Woyane led by Balabat Hilemariam Reda responded with bombardment and skilled fight against the soldiers of Hailessalsie. The causalities were heavy. And Addis Ababa was shocked.
Again After a couple months the despot Hileselasie came back with his best Generals to defeat the Woyane. This time the Great First Woyane was even better, it destroyed or killed many of its soldiers including famous and trusted Generals of the Despot. At this time the Woyane was able to increase its guns. It also was able to acquire new modernized guns to make its fight more lethal.
The crooked Hilleselassie received a telegram of the soldiers defeat. It recoded that he was greatly ashamed to be defeated by the Tigray. He was amazed and humiliated that the untrained Woyane was able to defeat his disciplined soldiers. Therefore sending more troops would just increase his humiliation. Also, the more he send troops the stronger the woyane are getting due to more cache of arms.
So the regime had to hatch a new plan on how to eliminate the Woyane. His throne was at stake if the woyane was not defeated. The new plan was to call his master (British) for help. As we all remember the British gave him a place to stay while his country was ruled by Italy. Then the British General Wingate brought the regime back to Addis Ababa. Since then Haileselasie has named a University after General Wingate.
Always to do his bidding in any matter the British were called. At his request the British Air Force were asked to bomb Woyane. The Airplane bombed Mekele where the Woyane resided. The woyanes were bombed day and night by the British until it was dismantled and unable to organize. The great Balabat Hilemarim Reda was arrested.
It must be noted that the British Airplane never destroyed the woyane but it did put halt on the movement. The people of Tigray, Ethiopia always new that woyane was never defeated by the British. But it chose jut to disband for the time being for the sake of the people. So the bombardment of airplane which was aimed at the market place can stop.
British colony which was the empire of the world or ruler at that time was bogged down to stop the spread of woyane. However, the people of Tigray using their best weapon the “woyane” were able to shock the Hailleselasie Regime like never before all the way from Mekelle to Addis Ababa. Maybe, it thought that it had put an end to woyane. The regime may not be aware THE SYMPOTOMS OF WOYANE WOULD LATER APPEAR IN THE FORM OF TPLF THAT CAME TO RESCUE ETHIOPIA.
Long Live Ethiopia.
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